Chapter 9

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(Tw: blood, vomit)
(Words: 2202)
<this chapter isn't really focused on Lampnold but I have brought another ship to the table>

Paige pov

I got up and started walking up the stairs and to the bathroom, I felt a burning sensation in my chest. 'What in the world-' my thoughts were cut off by the feeling of something rising up my throat. I placed my hand in front of my mouth and coughed into my palm.

"Oh my god- what the" I coughed more as I looked at my palm to see flowers.

"SHRIGGGNNOLLLLDDDD!!" I screamed in terror as I ran to his room and busted open his door, Lillith was Scared out of her mind having to wake up to me busting open the door.

Larry and Shrignold were startled but shrignold face turned to horror as I showed him the flowers in my hand "I- what's happening to me?!" I cried as he got up and hugged me "I- it's alright! It's fine- uh- don't panic! First off- who's the special person?" Shrignold said in a stern but somehow comforting tone "I'm not going to say it in front of Larry and Lillith-" i stated until he pulled me closer "then whisper in my ear" "I don't wanna say.." I whispered, Shrignold pulled away and nodded "okay.. um.. well the only way to get rid of this is well.. the person has to returns the love or.. you get it removed" shrignold said as he sat me down on his bed as Larry went to go get me some water.

Lillith was too oblivious to understand what was happening so all she could do was hug me even though she didn't know why I was so scared but it helped a tiny bit in a way.

"What's wrong with you?" Lillith asked with a concerned look "I'm— uh" I turned to look at Shrignold for help but he gave me the 'this is a you problem' look "I'm sick.. I can't get anyone sick but it won't go away unless....... you don't need to worry about this. I will be okay!" I tried to look happy but she was able to see past it and gave me a even more concerned look "okay." Lillith nodded as she grabbed a stuffed toy of Malcolm and laid back down.

Larry came back with water in hand and some tissue in the other "here. If u need to cough then you can just wipe the blood or stuff away." Larry said as he handed me the water & tissue "thank you, Larry" I nodded as I took a drink of water, washing down the blood, I felt some petals go down my throat as I took a drink of water.

Lillith pov

I held onto my Malcolm plush tight as I pretended to be asleep.

"So.. who do you like?" I heard Larry say, the colourful artist grunted "why does that matter? You guys don't need to know who she— who the person is. If they don't like me back then that's fine. I'll get that stupid surgery but if they do like me back then I am gonna be happy. Shouldn't that only matter?" The artist spoke as I heard the glass cup be placed on the nightstand beside the bed "yes but who knows we might be able to help!" "No. I know your a love 'teacher' and you want to help people find their special ones but I'm fine with that part. I need help with this disease part. Please." The artist stood up as I heard Shrignold "okay.. you should.. um.. hang out with them more. Maybe that will help and if it doesn't then we can think of something else that will help at least ease the disease." Shrignold gave the artist a hug but shortly after let go, I heard their boots walk out the room and slowly fade quietly down the hall.

'I hope they feel better soon..' I thought as I not long after drifted off to sleep.

Shrignold pov

I laid back down on the bed so did Larry "poor Paige.." I mumbled as I stared up at the ceiling "all we could do is hope for the best.. I mean if she does listen to what you say and hangs around her crush more than we can find out who it is!" Larry exclaimed "yeah.. but with that information it can either help Paige or make this situation worse. We need to be smart about this.." I sighed and closed my eyes "I love you, Lars" "i love you too, Shriggy" Larry replied as we both fell asleep.

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