Chapter 15

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[words: 2079]
<mostly just flashbacks and all that jazz>
{Tw: mentions of car a accident, mentions of a cult, child abandonment, paranoia, blood}

[3 months later]

Shrignold pov

sunlight hit my eyes causing me to wake up.

I heard wind softly blowing outside as I started to adjust to my surroundings.

a soft room that was covered in all sorts of love stuff and was almost like everything was clouds. Am i dreaming? I think I am.. I don't know right now.

Baby cries could be heard throughout the cult in the sky as I made my way out of my house to see the members crowding around something

Yeah.. definitely dreaming. I thought as I made my way to the crowd "what's going on?" I ask finally able to see what they are surrounding "her parents just handed us this small... annoying..... child. It won't stop making noise! It just keeps on screaming and screaming! Shrignold. PLEASE. Get her to stop!" Shrigg pleaded as he handed me a small baby "oh- uhh- y-you know I'm not an expert with children! Why don't we take her to king Malcolm?" I suggested as I made my way to find our lord Malcolm "we tried but she just screamed louder! So it's no use.." Shrigny replied as he walked beside me "plus she looks like she's calmed down now! Maybe she just likes you, Shrignold" shrigcorn commented as I had realized I didn't hear the baby crying anymore after I started to hold her

"I guess you're right.. I'll take her to my house. I'll figure out a name for her until Malcolm gives her a name." I sigh as I made my way to my cloud house which didn't take to long but once we got to my house I sat down on the couch with her still in my arms "Lillith.." I whispered softly to her, she laughed after hearing the name "Lillith!" I laughed along side her "your name will be Lillith. You seem to like it so.. you will keep it until our lord Malcolm gives you a name!" I exclaim as I lay her down on the couch "I know you are a little young to understand what I'm saying but while your parents are gone I will take care of you and show you our ways. I know you will love it here just as much as I!" I say as I rub her forehead gently "...but I won't let him get inside your brain like he has to me. I will protect you from that." I say as I stopped rubbing her head and just rested it on her.


I open my eyes to see Lillith holding a book "yes, Lillith?" I rub my eyes as I sit up "I can't sleep.. and I want you to read me a story!" Lillith exclaimed as she grabbed my hand, dragged me down the hallway and into her room "okay.. now what book do you want me to read?" I yawn as she passes me a book "this one" she says as I take the book in my hands, it's about the usual childish books about unicorns, dragons, knights and princesses. I open the book and began reading.

I read the book all the way through, once I was done I placed the book down than looked up and saw her sleeping. A soft smile formed on my face as I got up and walk back to my room.

As I am making my way to mine and Larry's room I can feel a pair of eyes looking at me. The hallways are dark so I can't really see anything, I move around the house in the dark by letting my hand glide against the wall so I know when to turn and stuff.

I can't hear anything other than my foot steps and my breathing so I don't understand why I feel like someone or something is watching me.. maybe I'm just paranoid.

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