Chapter 2

163 2 11

(Words: 1699)
(A few months later)


Larry was sitting on the couch drinking beer and watching tv as usual for him to do, everyone was out on picnic but nobody bothered to wake him up but he wasn't completely alone.. shrignold was also home in his room but in quarantine because of his 'sickness' that still hasn't gone away. Nobody wanted to take any risks they told him to quarantine in his room, only coming out to get food or go to the restroom

'I should go check on him' Larry thought as he got up and walked to Shrignolds room where he heard faint cries from the room

Knock knock

"H-hello..?" Shrignold wiped away tears from his face as he got up and cracked open the door "are you okay?" Larry asked as he saw Shrignolds eyes red and puffy and his cheeks wet from the tears "yeah.." shrignold tried to close the door but Larry stopped it with his foot "I'm sick.. you can't be close to me.." Shrignold said looking away and trying to hide more tears that were flowing down his face "shriggy please.. talk to me. What's wrong?" Larry said in a soft tone as he pushed open the door and gave a warm embrace to Shrignold "I don't know!" Shrignold said as he hugged Larry tightly as he sobbed.

Larry had been comforting Shrignold for half a hour now and he noticed that shrignold had started to drift off to sleep, he picked shrignold up and carried him to the bed then carefully placed him down but Shrignold wouldn't let go of Larry's sweater "Shriggy.. let.." he stared at shrignold for a few minutes not taking his eyes off of him, his pastel yellow freckles on his face, the gap between his two front teeth and his birthmark on his neck that almost looked like a heart, he had never noticed these features about shrignold before until now.


my cheeks start to heat up but just the slightest as I held him a bit closer to me but after a few minutes I placed him down and made him stop gripping onto my sweater and just sat on the side of shrignolds bed looking around the room then he looked at the trash can 'I should take out his trash for him..' I thought but as I got up I saw.. blood? And flowers?? What's going on.. I picked up the trash bag and went to go throw it out.

(Time skip)

Shrignold pov

I slowly open my eyes to hear muffled laughter and talking from downstairs, i turn my head to see a plate of food on my nightstand and a note next to it

"Hm.. how thoughtful." I said as I sat up at read the note 'Hey! I know you couldn't come with us because you're sick but here's some food! Eat up! -Stanley'  I smiled and placed the note back on the nightstand, grabbed the plate and started eating the food

Knock Knock

The knocking was loud and it started me "Hello?" I said as I looked toward the door swallowing the last bit of food that was in my mouth "just checking to see if you're awake! You thirsty? Want some water?" Stanley said as he opened the door "oh! Uh sure" I said with a smile "feeling any better?" "Not really.. I think.. it's getting worse actually" I replied as I looked up at my room window "alright.. maybe we should take you to the doctor. I'll call them at 1:30 to see what is going on with you." Stanley closed the door.

Stanley pov

"Is he feeling better today, dad?" I turned my head to see Candice sitting at the table "not today, sweetie.. but I will get him checked out the the doctors today then the doctors will make him feel all better!" I picked up Candice and set her on the kitchen countertop "once he gets better then he can come hang out with us again!" I say with a big smile "yay!" Candice clapped her hands and giggled with happiness

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