Chapter 16

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[words: 1694]
{Tw: a tiny bit of violence, anger}


Lillith pov

I heard footsteps getting closer, I turned around and saw Warren which made me smile.

Warren sat next to me, we are in a flower field not to far away from home. He just kept on mumbling to himself, he was weirder than the rest of the teachers and not to be mean but kinda- not as pretty?

He always talked behind Larry's back wherever it was just me and him alone. I think he doesn't think I'll tell them? I don't know but he makes up fake stories about how Larry does drugs and stuff, honestly it makes me upset because when me and shrignold lived with Malcolm he would always preach how any form of drugs are bad and stuff.

"lilLth." Warren's voice cracked a bit which made me giggle "not funny- anyway.. so- has Shrignold and Larry ever told you how they met?" Warren (ugly)smirked as he looked down at me "no? From what I remember at least" I replied as I went back to looking at the flowers, Warren stayed silent than took a deep breath in and continued "they met about 6 maybe 7 years ago.. it was June 19th and Stanley was talking about the new guy with Tony, Larry was the new teacher and Stanley only knew about him because he took him in so he was excited for everyone to meet this guy that he 'raised' for a bit but they could only watch him do his lesson than meet him afterwards and that's what they did. They waited and watched until it was all over. Shrignold said it was 'love at first sight' but we all know he was just trying to make it sound romantic, they talked but Larry was under the influence of Drugs so he wasn't in the right state of mind but he knew the butterfly had something for him so he took advantage of that.

He manipulated him and isolated him from the rest of the teachers and was still a junkie for the meantime. Shrignold was young and dumb but now he's older but still dumb. He thinks that stupid lamp loves him. I know he has known Larry for a long time but if Shrignold just gave me a chance I would treat him better.. don't you think?" Warren looked down at me with this creepy look, I tried not to make eye contact and scooted away from him a bit

"When did.. this become about you?" I asked as I looked around to see if anyone or anything could get me out of this uncomfortable situation "well I just think if shrignold gave me. A nice young gentleman a chance than he would see that I'm right! I could even be a better dad than that alcoholic freaky lamp" Warren said as his voice had become more aggressive but not his body language.


Shrignold Pov

I heard talking and peeked from behind a tree to see Warren and Lillith, I listened to see what they were talking about but from what I know it's probably about Larry

"I mean.. what does that alcoholic lamp have that I don't? I have no past with drugs, I have a better childhood and I have confidence. I should have a chance with him." Warren then grabbed Lillith by the arm with what seemed like a tight grip

I saw Lillith start to squirm a bit trying to get away from him which set me off.

"Hey!" I yelled and ran up to them, yanked Lillith away and kicked him away at the same time to which he face planted into flowers and dirt "You do not lay a hand on my daughter! Do you hear me?" I screamed as I picked her up and held her close to me, Warren sat up and looked perplexed.


3rd person

Shrignold felt anger flowing inside him, he wondered how Warren could ever lay a finger on Lillith, of course he didn't hurt her at all but Shrignold never ever wanted anyone to grab Lillith in any threatening way.

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