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Sameer's POV

I opened my eyes as my head hurt like hell.As I swiftly tried to move my hands,the inability to do so made me realise I was tied up in a chair in a familiar room

Then I slowly remembered bits of what happened


I looked around to find her sitting across from me,her face was drained from all the tears

Then I saw a man entering the room.As soon as his face emerged from the dark,I quickly recognised him

"See you later,Mr.Amar?",he laughed like a maniac

Aricon Weapons

Amar..Amar Gupta,the chief guard ,it all came to me like a flood

Damn it!!!

I began to question everything that happened between me and her

I glared at her searching for answers in her shallow eyes

"Finally the day has arrived.I got to see you again.All thanks to my daughter.",he said holding her hand as she flinched

"Don't involve her in this",I said looking straight at him,while I was mentally praying that she really didn't have anything to do with this wreck

"You don't tell me what to do, bastard!!!! I've lost my reputation just because of you guys.Now it's time for little revenge",he said angrily as he slapped me

Even though the heat of the slap still resided on my cheek,I couldn't help but smile internally on hearing that we did a great job in doing what ever we did to him

"Did you know this??Have you done all this on purpose?",I asked doubting myself as I shifted my gaze on Shreya

"Know what?? You're the one who should tell me what's happening here??",she yelled helplessly and it made things clear for me

"You'll understand it soon,baby girl",Amar said patting her cheeks

He quickly opened one of the drawers and pulled out a gun


He placed it on Shreya's hand but she kept looking shocked and confused

"Shoot him",he said in a stern voice

"What?..",she said backing off

"Remember he's a damn spy.Now don't feel pity for him",Amar said glaring at me

"No.. ... He's not....He's just a waiter... He's my—Sameer,tell me any of this isn't true",she looked at me straight in the eye as she paused

I turned my face away in shame,unable to answer her.

How can I?Cause every single thing was true

She froze at my response as realisation soon came upon her

".......So everything was a lie",she muttered in a barely audible tone

I felt guilty like someone just punched me in my gut

But right now I need a plan of escape rather than a mental breakdown

I tried to untie my hands,but it seems like this could take a while

"DO IT SHREYA!!!!Prove that you are my daughter!!",he yelled as Shreya pointed the gun to my head.

I lifted my eyes to meet hers.It was a different kind of contact from the one's we usually had

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