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Shreya's POV

I laid down on the bed in the guest room of the boys' house

Reflecting back on everything,it felt like a dream.A lot has happened just in the blink of an eye

But being with these guys made me realise they aren't the bad people afterall

And I felt my anger and feeling of hurt slowly disappear

A ringing sound pulled me out from my thoughts


I read the caller ID

I immediately picked it up and pressed it to my ears

"Hello!!",I said

"Shreya.. ..",she sounded dull

"Omg Sara!!I was so worried about you.Are you okay?",I asked concerned

"Kinda",she chuckled

"Are you with Sameer?",she asked after a pause

Am I with him?

"What does that mean?!?",I asked confused

"I mean,is he nearby?",She aksed

"He isn't near....",I said and I could almost hear her sighing on the other side of the phone

"...... but I'm at his house right now",I said trying not to sound like I'm crazy

"What???Are you nuts!???",she blasted on me

"What's wrong with that?",I asked puzzled

"Shreya,this may sound crazy!!But they.. ... they are... ..they are....",she stammered

Gosh!!She knows

"Spys. . .",I said the word she was struggling to say

"What!??You knew too?",she raised her voice a little bit

"Yeah, since yesterday",I stated as she sounded a bit pissed

"And you're still staying at his place?You know they could be dangerous?" she asked in disbelief

"Sara.. ...they aren't evil afterall",I said wondering why on earth am I defending them

I was supposed to be mad at him but now I'm defending him and his mates from someone who said the exact same thing that I wanted to say a while ago

"Say whatever Shreya,but you are out of your mind",she said giving up

"I'm sure you'll understand this sooner.....",I stopped when I heard footsteps approaching the door

"I'll talk you later",I said as I disconnected the call without waiting for her reply

I looked at the door in anticipation

"Shreya..?",his voice came from the other side of the door

"Come in ",I said,more like I ordered

He came in with a tray in his hands.I tried to peek to get look at what it was

But he noticed my antics and chuckled a bit

"Dinner for you",he said raising the plate

"Please don't mind,This is Shiv's first time trying this",he said sounding serious

"Secret agents know how to cook too?",I asked teasingly

"We gotta have all the tricks up our sleeve",he said winking

"Besides he was so keen on cooking something for Ishita",he added giving me a warm smile

Awww.. that's sweet

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