Chapter Fifteen

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Vincent's POV
    After Kyoya had explained to me what had happened between Tamaki and Haruhi. I was kind of mad at Haruhi for breaking Tamaki's heart, but I had no control over who Haruhi could and couldn't love. Once all of that was dealt with, Kyoya and I headed outside to investigate what the loud noise was from earlier.
    As we headed toward the garden to investigate a bit more, I managed to get tangled up in some of the overgrown vines. I tried getting out of them, but that only made it worse.
    "Kyoya, could you help me. I've managed to get myself tangled up?" I asked Kyoya with a pout. As I kept trying to get out of the vines, I managed to make to situation a bit worse.
    "Sure I'll help you, Vincent." he tells me as he untangles the vines. I feel like an idiot for getting tangled up in the vines. "How did you manage to get tangled up like this, Vinc?" he continued.
    "I don't know. I was trying to investigate where the noise came from and then I got lost in the garden. That's how I ended up tangled up."
    "It's a good thing I'm here when needed." he tells me after completely untangling me. I'm glad that I wasn't under the night sky alone. After our search of the strange sound, Kyoya and I headed back inside to only see that the twins were arguing with Tamaki about something.
    "What are you three arguing about?" Kyoya chimed.
    "That Tamaki isn't good enough for Ciel. He doesn't deserve to be with Cie!" Hikaru shouted.
    "Like you or Kaoru are any better. All you two would have done was make Ciel perverted." Tamaki snapped back.
    "Oh yeah right. Like you actually care about him. You just want to date Ciel because Haruhi recently dumped you. That's the only reason why." Kaoru chimed. I was taken back a bit because they were just arguing without taking it into consideration of what Ciel's opinion is. I looked over to Ciel and saw that he was upset with all the bickering.
    "Enough! Don't you three realise that all your shouting, arguing, and bickering is affecting Ciel. Why don't you three just get his opinion on who he chooses to date?" I finally snap, which catches their attention real fast. The moment I snapped, Ciel walked up to me and cling to me like before. He seemed a bit calmer than before and I was glad.
    "Thank you, Vinnie." Ciel says.
    "No problem, Little Bunny. Now is everyone done shouting at each other." I tell them. It took them all a while to actually calm down and start to train with each other.
    "How did all of this arguing start?" Ciel asked.
    "Well, when Kaoru and I saw you propose to Tamaki. We sort of got mad because we know that he won't care for you like we do." Hikaru explained.
    "That doesn't make any sense because Ciel chose to be betrothed to Tamaki. Why did you two get so mad?" I chimed.
    "We understand that now. We acted foolishly." the twins say with their heads hanging in shame. This wasn't very shocking. Earlier today after Kyoya and I made out, the twins pulled Ciel into a passionate kiss. They seemed to truly care about Ciel.
    "You both are amazing, but I've made my decision. I'm grateful that you care for me." Ciel tells them.
    "We were just hoping that you weren't actually fully set on being betrothed to Tamaki." the twins say as they lift their heads up and start to circle Ciel. This isn't a good predicament. I know the twins have something planned, but I'm a bit scared to know what they're planning.
    "You both aren't planning on ending Tamaki and Ciel's engagement. Although you both may think that succeeding in ending Tamaki and Ciel's engagement may come to your favour, but it actually won't." Kyoya chimed.
    "What makes you think that, Kyoya-Senpai?" the twins say with mischievous evil smirks.

*Time skip to end of evening*

    "This was a lovely evening, Mr. Michaelis. You're boys are absolutely adorable. It's such a shame your eldest son is betrothed to the youngest Ootori child. Your son perhaps would have been an amazing husband to my daughter, but one can only dream." one of the guest tells dad. It was but insulting to say it was shame that I was betrothed to Kyoya. I was glad that I was betrothed to him. The other young ladies that attended this evening made me uncomfortable.
    "Well that's very unfortunate for you then, Miss. I'm fully capable of see who my sons are going to be betrothed to. I accepted the fact that my eldest son is betrothed to the youngest Ootori son." dad snapped/scolded at her. She had no right on judging who I was going to marry.
    "*sigh* Well all the guest have officially left, all with the exception of the members of the Host club, dad." I tell dad. It was a bit relieving to see all of the guest that made me feel uncomfortable had left.
    "It's good to see that you and Ciel had a good time. Now it's off to bed with the two of you. After all tomorrow you both have school." dad tells Ciel and I before heading to bed.
    "Well see you all tomorrow and Hitachiin twins try not to think of a devious plan to ruin things." I tell them.
    "We would never think of such things, Vincent. We're not the heartless." they say in unison.
    "We'll be seeing see. Have a glorious night you two." Kyoya tells us before kissing me. After everyone had left, Ciel clung to me and start to fall asleep.
    "Vinnie, I'm *yawns* tired." Ciel says.
    "I know, Little Bunny. Let's head to bed 'cause tonight was stressful." I tell him as I carry him inside.
    As I carried Ciel toward our room, he seemed to be mumbling in his sleep, but not as much as usual. I'm glad that he's stopped mumbling so much.  What he doesn't know is that it sort of affects dad and myself because we're trying to protect him from any harm.
    "V-Vinnie, I-I'm scared. W-where a-are you a-and dad? V-Vinnie, h-help me." I heard Ciel say as we neared our room.
    "Shush. Everything's alright, Little Bunny. I'm here and so is dad. We're not going anywhere. We're here for you." I try to comfort him. I hate seeing him look so scared. I hope he grows out of this. Once we were exactly outside our room door, Ciel decided to wake up a little.
    "Vinnie, are you okay? You seen a *yawns* bit spaced out." Ciel's voice brought me out of my thoughts.
    "Huh. Oh I'm perfectly fine. No need to worry. Now let's get ready for bed." I say as I change my clothes. It's interesting to see that Ciel can be so outgoing and energetic and then he's so shy he Ouran talks the a certain amount to others.
    "Okay. Night Vinnie." Was the final thing he said before falling asleep. Jeez I hate knowing that my little brother's adorableness is my downfall.

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