Chapter Three

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Kyoya's POV
Chairman Suoh had wanted Tamaki and I to meet the new transfer students. I was confused about this because this normally doesn't happen, but alas I didn't have a say in whether I wanted to meet the transfer students or not. The moment Tamaki and I reached the Chairman's office we heard two strange voices.
"Kyoya do you think that one if the transfer students is a girl?" Tamaki asked me before opening the door.
"Tamaki why would you ask me such observed questions. If one of them was a girl they wouldn't be instantly charmed by you. You have to remember that your father has asked us a favour." I tell him as I open the door.
"You're right, Kyoya." Tamaki told me once we had entered the office.
"You wished to see us, Chairman." I said when we were standing in-front of the chairman.
"Yes I did. I need you both to introduce yourselves to the transfer students while I talk to their parents. Also one more thing, Tamaki don't try to flirt with the boys. I beg of you." Chairman Suoh said toward us.
"Sure thing dad." Tamaki responded. This would seem to be simpler than I imagined. We followed him out of his office and into the waiting area and saw a man with raven black hair, mahogany colour eyes, and dressed with the finest cotton.
"Hello, Chairman Suoh. My name is Sebastian Michaelis and this is my spouse Helena Morel. You contacted us a few days ago about accepting my sons Vincent and Ciel into Ouran Academy." the ravenette tells the chairman. It's interesting to here their conversation, until I heard the main door open and reveal a young man carrying a child in his arms. By the way the young man was carrying the child showed that they made perhaps be siblings.
I looked toward two beings who recently entered the room and I noticed that the mysterious young man nearly looked identical to Sebastian. The only conclusion that I could make was that this was Sebastian's son, but then who was he carrying.
"Ah, finally the boys have arrived. Chairman Suoh these are my sons Vincent Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive." Sebastian introduced his sons to the chairman. The chairman approached them with caution. I had taken notice that child in the mysterious young man's arms was clinging closer to him.
"Salute, Vincent and Ciel. I'm so glad you both will be attending Ouran. This is my son Tamaki and his best-friend Kyoya. They both will be in the same year as you are, Vincent." Chairman Suoh tells them. The mysterious young man looked in the direction of Tamaki and I. I looked over to Tamaki and noticed that he was excited to meet them while I had a different attitude involving this whole situation. To him it may seem that I didn't want to be here, but the real fact was that the more I studied the mysterious young man, the more intrigued I got by him. I had noticed that Tamaki had decided to approach them, but that cause the child to get closer to who seemed like his brother.
"Calm down Tamaki. Remember that they're the new transfer students, so please don't make a fool of yourself." Chairman Suoh tells Tamaki.
"No problem, father." Tamaki tells the chairman. I'm shocked to see that his attitude has completely change in a matter of few seconds. I guess I have to stop judging a book by its cover.
"Tamaki will you ever learn not to seem so foolish around the new students. I wonder how you would run the Host Club without me maintaining the finances." I tell Tamaki.
"*pouts* Oh come on don't be that way Kyoya. It was my idea to make the Host Club." Tamaki responds to what I said.
"That's very true, but it was also chaos when we started it. Now allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Kyoya Ootori. The youngest son of Yoshio Ootori." I introduce myself properly to them.
"I'm Tamaki Suoh. The only son of the chairman and possible successor of the Suoh company. Also with the help of Kyoya, we run the only Host club in Ouran." Tamaki informs them. "You must be Mr. Michaelis' sons, is that correct?" Tamaki continued.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both. This is my little brother Ciel and I'm Vincent." the mysterious young man introduced himself and his brother. His brother Ciel seemed to cling closer to like he wasn't used to meeting many new brings.
"Awe your brother's so adorable. What year is he in?" Tamaki cooed then asked.
"Ciel is a 1st year in the high-school." I heard Vincent state.
"Well now that the boys have met each other. Why don't we have a discussion of when they will start school." Chairman Suoh tells Helena and Sebastian. It seems like the chairman would rather get down to business instead of wasting time.
"It's impressive to know that you and your brother have manage to lose two parents and not let that affect you." I tell him.
"How do you that about my brother and I?" he asked in a demanding manner.
"Well by the way you seem to act around Helena proves that you've lost your mother, but Ciel is a different story. He isn't your biological brother, so that only means that he's your step-brother." I continue. "But your father is Sebastian. You must have been very young when your mother had died. That means that Helena will be your second step-mother. Am I correct?" I finished saying.
"Yes, you're correct. But how did you find all of this out if we just recently met."
"*chuckles* I have the tendency on researching on coming students and staff at Ouran. Some may say it's an invasion of personal preservation, but I call it thorough research and precaution." I tell him. I could understand why he may be a bit suspicious about me, but there's no solid proof that he really is suspicious about me. While the chairman had a pleasant chat with Vincent's father and soon to be step-mother about his and his brother's first day at Ouran. I then remembered that every student at Ouran had to join a club as an extracurricular activity.
"Is there any additional information my brother and I need to know?" Vincent asked.
"Yes there is. You and your brother have to join an extracurricular activity. Some students join clubs to get that curricular finished." I inform him.
"Kyoya, we can have them join the Host Club." I heard Tamaki say out of the blue. Having new host would benefit the club, but I don't think Vincent would allow his brother to join the club.
"I'm not allowing my brother to join it. If you need new being to be host, then I'll take the offer, but under any circumstance my brother won't join. Are there any other clubs this school has?" I heard Vincent say.
"The academy does has a musical arts club." Tamaki tells him.
"Then that's the club I'll have my brother join." Vincent informs us.
"Then it's settled. When you officially start your term at Ouran, just look of Musicroom 3 and enter the room. That is where the host club meets."

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