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 Chapter 91 Pretending to be a mentor (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

  The anger is that this old man pretends to be old, but he suppresses his anger, with a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

  "Yes, I am the tutor of Tansi Academy. What are you doing in our academy?!"

  In fact, this is not the first time he has pretended to be a tutor to deceive other students. Not long ago, a freshman was deceived by him.

  No matter who Ji Yunshuang is, how could he not see his poor acting skills.

  However, even so, she put on an honest look and said: "You are really a mentor! I thought you were a repeater who didn't graduate?!" The

  other party was so angry that he poked himself sore spot.

  "You, what's your name, what are you doing in our hospital?!" He asked sharply, frowning, as if he were a mentor.

  "Me. I'm a freshman who came to report today. My name is Ji Yun. Come on, tutor, help me with my luggage."

  Ji Yunshuang changed a fake name, Ji Yun. As he spoke, he stretched out the miscellaneous luggage in front of him and asked him to help him carry it.

  The other party backed away immediately in disgust, and then said: "The enrollment for the new season has ended long ago, and all the students have already entered the school. Where did you come from to deceive our Tansi Academy?

  " It's called a rationale, not to mention that this appearance really looks like a mentor.


  Ji Yunshuang looked at him with playful eyes, "I am a specially approved student of the college, and I can report a few days later. How can you not even know this as a tutor?! You can't be a liar!" The

  other party It was also a shock, after all, I had never heard of any specially approved students.

  But since he has already pretended, he will naturally continue to pretend, so he shook his head, "Of course I know this, since you have already come, then pay the fee first, 1,000 credits."

  This is his main purpose, to get some pocket money.   When Ji Yunshuang

  saw that he mentioned money, her expression immediately changed, she narrowed her eyes at him, "What fee?!"

  "Personal labor security fee, 1,000 credits, hurry up."

Find out all the charging barcodes on your watch.

  Ji Yunshuang just laughed, a very sinister smile.   Then she looked

  at him and said, "I don't have any money either. As you can see, I can't even afford a nanometer space. How can I have so much money?"

Then, his gaze became even more disgusting.

  That's right, how could this poor man who didn't know where he came from be rich.

  "Then how much do you have?!"

  His tone became perfunctory, meaning give as much as you have!

  Ji Yunshuang licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, looked at him and said, "Although I don't have any money in my hands now, there are relatives of mine in the college. He must have one. You and I will go find him and ask him to pay for me."

  "You Relatives?!" The

  other party didn't expect that he could turn around after giving up, and immediately asked, "Where are your relatives?!"

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