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 Gu Mo couldn't understand her mood at all, but was eager to get rid of this weird color.

  But Ji Yunshuang felt that the opportunity was rare, so she said: "Since you can gather so much ice spirit energy on your body, it means that you have ice spirit roots, how about I help you cultivate?!"

  Her eyes were bright as she spoke look at him.

  Gu Mo paused when he heard the word "cultivation", and then raised his eyes to look at her, regardless of whether he looked good or not.

  "Cultivation?! Like you?!"

  Seeing his interest, Ji Yunshuang immediately nodded excitedly and said, "Yeah, almost."

  Gu Mo became interested, looked at her and said, "What should I do? !"

  Ji Yunshuang raised her head proudly, and said: "According to our rules, if you want to step into the road of cultivating immortals, you must first learn from a teacher."

  After she finished speaking, she looked at him with interest.

  Gu Mo was taken aback by the word apprenticeship, and asked reflexively: "Who do you worship?!"

  Ji Yunshuang grinned, "Me!"

  Then he continued, regardless of his instantly darkened face, "According to our The custom there is to choose an auspicious day first, and then invite a few guests, and you kowtow to me in public and serve tea to tell the world."

  She spoke enthusiastically, but Gu Mo couldn't listen anymore, and raised his hand to ask for it. When I interrupted her, she suddenly changed her style of painting.

  "However, the situation is special now. Let's keep everything simple. You just kneel down and pay respects to me."

  Gu Mo was expecting a little bit of what she would say later, but when the woman opened her mouth, he really shouldn't be too concerned. Looking forward to it.

  However, Ji Yunshuang still looked at him with bright eyes, as if waiting for his decision.


  "Don't even think about it."

  He said decisively.

  Ji Yunshuang saw that this strategy was not working, so she immediately changed to another one.

  Said: "Don't! Cultivation, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When you succeed in cultivation, whether it is killing insects or eradicating dissidents, it will not be easy!"   Gu

  Mo: "...!"

If there is a little more expression, he will lose.

  Ji Yunshuang saw that he was motionless, did not speak, and kept staring at herself.

  Knowing that this is not going to work, she said again: "Don't you look like the blue who asked for this body?!"

  Gu Mo spoke this time, "I don't believe there is no other way."

  Her tone was firm and her expression was serious.

  Ji Yunshuang didn't expect him to be so... hard to cheat!

  Looking at him with a sigh, Ji Yunshuang's expression was a little ugly at the moment, the kind of ugly that he didn't know what to do.

  Then I really didn't want to care about his life or death.

  Gu Mo saw the change in his expression, and lowered his eyes, wondering if he should lower his head and coax her?


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