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Chapter 261 It doesn't matter to them, just be yourself

2023-01-03 Author: After nine o'clock

  Chapter 261 It doesn't matter to them, just be yourself

  "Auntie, my family only has my father and mother, not many people."

  Although Yue Chuan didn't understand, he still briefly explained his fake situation.

  Ji Yunshuang felt that this was unlikely, so she frowned and looked at Gu Mo, "Your sister gave birth, your parents should go back, right?" These are

  her legal parents-in-law.

  She has seen her father-in-law, but she has never seen her mother-in-law, and she has never heard Gu Mo mention it.

  Besides her father-in-law and mother-in-law, she also met Gu Mo's grandfather, an old man who looked amiable but actually had a lot of evil eyes.

  Any more... It seems that there are no more.

  Looking at Gu Mo's eyes, Ji Yunshuang became suspicious, why did this man never mention his family in front of her?

  Gu Mo listened to her question and saw the changing appearance of her face, a trace of helplessness and sadness flashed in his eyes.

  Ji Yunshuang captured the sadness, and looked at him even more puzzled?

  "My mother passed away when I was very young," Gu Mo said.

  Ji Yunshuang suddenly realized, but immediately asked: "Then the wife of the current federal leader is...?"

  She could remember that the current federal leader is still married, and he often attends public occasions with his wife.

  And they often show their love, there are also their love quotes on the star network, she has read it!

  Gu Mo laughed at himself and said, "She's my aunt."

  "...!" Ji Yunshuang held his forehead.

  Really, too messy!

  "Then your sister is having a baby, your father and you... Auntie, will you go?"

  This is the main thing.

  Gu Mo watched her tilt her head, maybe he understood what she was struggling with!

  "It doesn't matter whether they go or not, just be yourself, and don't take them seriously."

  He looked serious, and it didn't seem like he was coaxing her at all.

  Ji Yunshuang raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was surprised that he would say that.

  But she also began to reflect on herself, why would she suddenly care about those who are nothing?

  Well, maybe the brain is broken!

  While Ji Yunshuang secretly warned herself not to do this next time, she didn't know where her thoughts went.

  the next day.

  Early in the morning, Yueli appeared in the manor again.

  The inexplicable sudden appearance frightened Lao Kui so much that he almost activated the first-level combat state.

  "Don't be so nervous, I'm here to pick up my Highness."

  On the sofa in the living room, Yue Li was drinking tea calmly in a luxurious suit.

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