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 Chapter 171 The whole person is delicious Lesna

  closed his eyes, raised his hand and slapped his forehead, with a let me die expression.

  At this time, Ji Yunshuang was standing at the door of his tent. When he saw the inside, his body froze suddenly, then he silently lowered the curtain, turned around and walked quickly towards Gu Mo.

  "What's wrong?"

  Gu Mo covered the smile in his eyes and asked knowingly.

  In fact, what he wants to ask more is; how did you come back?

  Ji Yunshuang looked nah na, looking at him hesitant to speak.

  But the next second she raised her eyes to look at the tent he had just set up, and said curiously and hesitantly: "What...is there in your tent?"

  Gu Mo looked at her with a smile in his eyes and said, "Since Yunshuang wants to know, so go in and have a look yourself!"

  Ji Yunshuang immediately looked at him with a troubled expression, afraid that he might see something that he shouldn't have seen in his tent.

  However, Gu Mo directly took her hand and led her to his tent.

  Ji Yunshuang Harbin was a little nervous and awkward, but the moment he lifted the curtain of the tent, he was relieved to see a normal look inside.

  Naturally, Gu Mo did not miss her emotional change, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then led her to the bedside.

  It was a 1.2 meter military capsule bed.

  Why is it called a capsule bed? As the name suggests, it looks like a big capsule when it is closed, and it is a bed when it is opened.

  It is a camp bed that is very portable.

  He pushed her to sit down by the bed, looked at her with deep eyes and said, "I'll get you some water to wash up."

  Then he was about to go out to find water for her.

  Ji Yunshuang immediately refused: "Don't bother, I have water myself."

  Gu Mo paused, and looked back at her with some doubts in his eyes?

  "Is there water?!"

  Ji Yunshuang nodded, then got up and pushed him out: "Okay, you don't need to worry about it, I can handle it myself."

  As he said that, he was already pushed out, and then Ji Yunshuang put down the curtain, And zip it up from the inside.

  Then he happily entered the space to wash up.

  As for Gu Mo, he was standing at the door and guarding her all the time. Although he didn't hear any movement for a long time, Zou Zoumei, who was puzzled, didn't think deeply.

  After a while, Ji Yunshuang came out of the space after washing, yawning, and went to bed to get ready for sleep.

  Gu Mo, who was outside, heard that there was finally movement inside, turned around and wanted to go in, but found that she had zipped the zipper up from inside?

  Gu Mo: "...!"

  This is the rhythm to drive myself away.

  "Yunshuang, open the door."

  It was impossible to leave, so he stood outside and called the door.

  It was only when Ji Yunshuang heard the voice that he realized that this was his tent.

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