Chapter One - What Are You Doing Here?

449 51 417

Score: Dusk Till Dawn - SIA feat. ZAYN


I put on my school uniform, for the last time, swapping the jacket with my Balenciaga blazer. My hair, with freshly bleached ends, is pushed back with a navy headband with a small bow on the left. I reach into my mum's jewelry box, retrieving a pair of diamond studs.

When they're in place, trapping the sunlight into a thousand tiny rainbows on my ears, I draw a thick line of black eyeliner, which makes my black eyes look even deeper. I am wearing flats because I can't be bothered to wear heels, and I would be on my feet pretty much all day.

After the service and Leavers' reception, we are going to a Leavers' party at my friend Gloria's estate house in Hertfordshire. Gloria lives there pretty much alone with her little sister Petra and the staff, as their mum is constantly traveling. She is now in Ibiza, for some party, so we are having the house to ourselves and Gloria has invited our entire year for tonight.

My phone buzzes and I see a text from Patrick, telling me that he is downstairs, and I quickly grab my Gucci bag and run for the door.

Patrick is waiting for me at the entrance of the building, a bunch of spring flowers in hand. He gives me one of his brilliant smiles. He is so handsome I might just die!

"Hey! Thanks!" I smile and take the flowers. "Do you want to come back inside with me, so that I can put them in water?"

"Sure, Lyds, we have time." He smiles and leans down to kiss me. He nuzzles in the crook of my neck. I love it when he does that. He is much taller than me, so he has to bend at the knees and lean forward when we kiss. I feel nice and secure in his arms. When he hugs and kisses me, it is like I am leaning into something solid, steady, and constant.

Basically, all the stuff that I am missing in my life.

We go back inside and come across my father in the living room.

Ugh. I really don't want to have to deal with him so early in the morning.

I am surprised he is even awake and out of bed, it is unusual for this to happen before 11 am.

"Hi, Patrick!" He greets. I am glad he's ignoring me. Despite my good mood, I have no desire to talk to him. "Congrats on your big day!" He keeps talking, as I find a vase and head into the kitchen to put the flowers in water. "Where's my little girl?"


I turn around to face him and he looks like he is going to have an emotional meltdown. Has he been drinking already? It is 9:40, so I doubt it, but still...

"You look stunning, Lyds," he tells me and reaches out his arms as if to hug me.

"Yeah, yeah..." I roll my eyes as I walk right past him to stand next to Patrick.

"I am trying to tell you how proud I am of you, Lyds. I am not your worst enemy in the world." he continues. Now I am almost positive he has been drinking.

Patrick looks at me and mouths "Be nice."

"I am being nice," I say out loud and turn to face my father, with the fakest smile I could plaster on my face.

"Thanks!" I roll my eyes again and pick at my nails before I continue. "I won't be coming home tonight. There's a leavers' party at Gloria's mum's house. Patrick's driving us there and I will be staying over at his place after that."

"Oh, you should leave your car in my garage" he looks at my boyfriend and starts fumbling in the crystal bowl of keys on the console table next to the door. I reach into Patrick's pocket and take out the small remote that opens the underground garage, where I know he has put it, after parking his car.

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