Chapter Four - The Match

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Score: I Ain't Worried - One Republic


My alarm goes off at 8:30, but I snooze it.

Yesterday was the last day of school, and, it's a Saturday, so, no more alarms, at least not for a little while.

I have the vague idea that I have to get up early today, though.

I flick through my mental calendar and register only my meeting for coffee with Mark, but that's not till eleven, so I set another alarm for 10:00 and go back to sleep.

When I finally get out of bed, it is a bright, beautiful morning.

I shower, brush my teeth and rake a hairbrush through my wet hair, and put it up in a bun on top of my head. Then I put on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans and apply some light make-up.

At ten to eleven, I am ready and head for the front door...

...aand I come across Celia in the hallway.

She is walking through the front door as I am making my way out.

She is in her Lululemon jogging pants and crop top and is carrying a bag from Formative Coffee in her hand.

"Good morning, Lydia" she chirps, all sunshine and unicorns.

"Good Morning, Medusa" I sneer, shouldering past her.

"Going out? Again?"

"No, I just love hanging out in here." I snap, checking my pockets one last time. Wallet, keys, phone, all here.

"Didn't you come home just a few hours ago?" She lifts a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. "Don't you have to study?"

"Don't YOU?" I stress the word, to let her know what I think of women, still in university, sleeping with 50+ -year-old men, especially if the latest of said men is my father, who is not even officially divorced from my mother yet.

She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, clearly exasperated.

"Just be home by dinner time, OK? Your dad and I want to have dinner together, as a family, to celebrate you leaving school."

"Is my mother invited?" I ask with a sweet smile, knowing the answer, of course.

Celia winces and pulls back a little.


"Don't call me that. Only family and friends call me that. And, last time I checked, you were neither."

She lifts her hands in front of her chest in a defensive gesture.

"OK, Lydia. You win. Just... please be home for dinner, OK?"

"I'll consider it," I reply with my sweetest smile on my way out, shutting the door behind my back.

Once out of the flat, I take a deep breath and let it out in loud puffs.

This woman is only five years older than me and she is trying to play authority with me. This is just as infuriating, as it is humiliating, given the fact that she is dumb as a cow and almost as pretty, no offense to the noble animal.

The fact that she is sleeping with my father does not allow her to try and act like my mother. And, what pisses me off even more, is that my father is encouraging her. Like, this dinner thingy? He doesn't give a fuck about stuff like that. It's all her, but he is letting her do it.

As I descend the steps, I take out my phone to check the time.


It's dead!

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