Chapter Nine - The Long Way Home

144 17 174

Score: Keep Driving - Harry Styles


"I meant what I said earlier," Mark says, as we are walking toward the Discovery, parked near the ER entrance. "We can stay at my dad's. You can have your room. And I can take you back in the morning."

"Can you please take me back to my place? I really need to study in the morning and I would like to go to my dad's. And I am too pissed off at Diana to possibly be a decent companion."

"Sure, no problem. I can stay in London, too."

We get in the car and Mark pulls onto the main road.

As we head to London, my brain feels like a blender. All of my anger, frustration, and helplessness towards Diana and my own parents mix up with my anxiety over my exam and my issues with Patrick.

As we pull onto the highway, I lose it and burst into tears.

Mark turns to me, surprise and worry written on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly.

And I let all my thoughts and frustrations loose.

"It's all so unfair!"

I start, spitting a little on the dashboard.

"They are just so reckless, Mark! Look at what Diana did to her children today! Did you see Petra's eyes, Mark?!" My tears spill from my eyes and start running down my cheeks.

"They get to do whatever the hell they want with their lives and they choose to do...this shit? To reduce to nothing? At the same time, they are pushing us to fulfill their lost dreams, as they panic they will never have the time to do anything better with their lives, but brag to each other about their brilliant children, while they waste away, sleeping around, or getting high, or drunk! I can imagine them: Oh, Gloria's going to UCL...Patrick is amazing at rugby, he's gonna excel in Oxford. Lydia is going to become a Doctor one day..."

I stop to catch my breath. The tears are hot on my cheeks and bitter on my lips, as I lick them.

"You were right about what you said before. Just look at Gloria," I continue, full-on sobbing this time. "She is looking after her mother like she is the adult and Diana is her child! How fucked up is that! And when Gloria leaves, it will be Petra who would have to do the same! She is fifteen, for fuck's sake!" I rub my nose with the back of my hand, snout going over my top lip and on my hand. Mark doesn't say anything but opens the storage compartment in the central console and waves at it for me to look inside. I grab the pack of tissues there.

"Thanks!" I say and blow my nose. But I am not done yet. I am angry, too damn angry!

"And you know what's the funniest part? That they don't realize it's not only their lives they are ruining! It is our lives! And they say they are doing everything for our damn good, but at the same time they can't keep their shit together, they act so damn immature that it sickens me! And you know what?!" I am screaming, literally screaming. "They will be so surprised one day, that we ended up hating them!" I am too pissed to mind my words.

I sob quietly for a couple of minutes, and Mark is silent as he drives. He moves his hand to take mine in his, and I am so grateful for him comforting me.

Tonight has been too much. It has reminded me exactly why I need to get out of here, as soon as possible.

"I need a drink," I say suddenly and Mark turns around to look at me, surprise in his eyes.

"You sure?" He asks, and I swear I can hear the amusement in his voice.

What's so funny?

"Yea. Can you please stop at a pub or a bar? I will just take the drink to go."

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