Chapter Nineteen - Bolt from the Blue

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Score: Liquor Store Blues - Bruno Mars


Patrick opens the box to expose it's contents. My eyes tear up with emotion, but it's not the emotion one would expect I should be feeling right now. It's a mixture of sadness, and anger, and helplessness. My hand shoots up to my mouth as I break into tears.

The ring is absolutely perfect. A rather large yellow solitaire, embedded in a platinum band, dotted with smaller, clear diamonds. It is gorgeous and I can see myself wearing it, but the timing, and the person, and everything feels just so terribly wrong...

"I don't want you to freak out, babe!" Patrick says. I am aware my shoulders are shaking with silent sobs, my hand still over my mouth. "It was going to happen eventually. I just wanted to make sure I had the perfect one. We'll do it all properly, with your dad, and my parents, and we can go away somewhere after that..."

"Patrick, I..."

"You don't have to say anything right now, Lyds! I just wanted to let you know I am thinking about it and I am taking this very seriously." His brows pull in in a determined expression.
"I love you and I want you to know that. I want the whole world to know that. We can get married after we graduate. You'll have time to plan for the most epic wedding. My mum would be so happy to help you! You can have as many bridesmaids as you wish! We can have it over at my grandfather's castle..."

"Patrick, stop!"

I feel like I am about to have a panic attack. I've had a fair share of those since The Incident, but not recently.

My chest feels tight, I feel hot and I can't breathe... the room spins and my legs are suddenly all weak and wobbly, and I feel like I'm about to pass out...

And, right when I think the situation couldn't possibly get any worse, Colin's head pops in the hallway, followed by a cardigan-clad torso. He looks genuinely confused, his brows furrowed, his bloodshot eyes darting from my tear-streaked face to Patrick, and then to the box in his hand.

My dad's eyes go wide and his mouth opens, forming an almost perfect, surprised "O" at the sight of the open Harry Winston velvet box and the golden sparkles, throwing rainbows on the wall. With two long strides, he is standing next to Patrick and is hugging his shoulders.

"I thought I heard someone calling me," Colin says, his voice shaking.

Oh, God, please, take me now...

"Yes, sir!" Patrick says, grinning from ear to ear. I can tell he is nervous, he is usually grinning like that when he's done something highly inappropriate or is feeling extremely uncomfortable. "Mr. Bellanger, I wanted to let you know that my intentions are honest and serious. I would like you to know that I'll be asking for Lydia's hand in marriage, I'd just like for my parents to be back, as well, so that we can celebrate afterward..."

"What?..." Colin's confusion is to my advantage. I seize the moment by grabbing Patrick by the shoulders and pushing him backwards down the hallway and into my room, shouting over my shoulder to my clearly stunned father.

"We'll be right back! Don't mind us!"

Once we've reached the safety of my room, I close the door behind us and lock it, and then turn around to face a very flushed Patrick. He's shaking. He wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly for a beat before he releases me and gives out a loud sigh.

"I've never been that nervous in my life. Ever." He says, shaking his head.

I am completely dumb folded by the scene that just unfolded before my eyes. It feels so surreal. Like I've just watched that scene in a movie, where you want to scream at the screen, throw stuff at it, or just walk out of the room and slam the door behind your back.

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