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Actually? I didn't even have time to go to see Stefan and Damon in person. Klaus was in a terrible hurry. When we were already on the road, I called Stefan. I knew Damon would deal with it... Otherwise.
,,Hi Stefan." I whispered so it wouldn't be noticeable.
,,What? Why are you whispering?” he asked curiously.
,,I have to tell you something. Klaus suggested I go to New Orleans with him and I couldn't refuse, Stefan. You know why..."
,,What? Seriously? Well... And for how long?" I nodded my head to Klaus and he showed me 2-3 fingers and the word "weeks" could be read from his lips.
,,Two to three weeks." I said and Klaus nodded and smiled.
,,Oh. Well, not for longer," he said, and somehow I guessed that he exhaled.
,,Yea... So... If I can then, I'll call." I said.
,,Okay," he said. Actually, something occurred to me at that moment.
,,And otherwise." I said. ,,If possible, don't tell Damon yet. He's capable of coming to New Orleans and shutting Klaus up and ruining our whole plan." I whispered.
,,Oh. You are probably right. I won't worry about it, tell him yourself if you want."
,,Fine. Have a nice day." I said.
,,You too. And have a good trip."
,,Well thank you. Bye!" I said and hung up.
,,Finally." I sighed.
,,I thought it would never end." Klaus said annoyed.
,,Sorry. He is my brother. At least respect it. I don't like to betray them...” Klaus laughed out loud.
,,Damon, he killed your best friend. After that, you basically had to "take care" of Stefan so that he wouldn't do something stupid. And it bothers you that you lie to them once in your life?" he said with a laugh.
,,You know how many times I..." he wanted to say, but he thought and kept silent.
,,It doesn't matter," he tried to speak.
,,Are you kidding me? Is Klaus Mikaelson silent for the first time in his life? I'm quite impressed," I said sarcastically.
,,I was stabbing my siblings." he said and we both remained silent. He held the steering wheel but looked into my eyes for a moment.
,,It does not matter. I'll make you forget it anyway."
,,Why?" I asked.
,,What why?" he asked confused.
,,Why did you stab them?"
,,You know, anger issues, also issues with my father, and that's how it happened. But why should I tell you? I don't care about your family problems either." he said and started driving.
,,I know." I said and looked out the window.
I felt his gaze on me for a moment, but then he looked at the road again.

We arrived in New Orleans sometime at night. I really don't know what time it was. I woke up so suddenly.
,,Rise and shine sleepy. You slept when we passed through the most beautiful cities." he said far too cheerfully for his circumstances.
,,It's alright. Are we here yet?" I looked out the window on his side. He pulled away from him to give me a better view.
,,Yes. What are you saying?" I thought for a while about the appropriate word, how to joke and also tease him a little.
,,Nice." I said and got out of the car with a laugh.
,,Come on. The best house in New Orleans and the neighborhood." he said, boasting. Wait... He was bragging.
,,But don't trust yourself so much." I said and he shook his head.
,,Don't be spoiled." he said and I rolled my eyes at him.
,,Me? Never. What are you crazy about I guess?" he went to the trunk and took out the trunk and closed it.
,,Come on." he said and opened the door for me. Even though he had the luggage.
Inside, it was exactly according to their family taste.
,,Hello." The blonde said from the couch. She stood up. Of course Rebekah.
She told it to Klaus more than me. But when she saw me, she immediately responded with a remark:
,,Is that the pretty one? Amazing." she said and walked over to us.
With our vampire ears, we heard footsteps on the stairs.
Man in suit.
,,I would like to introduce you..."
,,Elijah." I said. Klaus was surprised.
,,Do you know each other?" he asked us both at the same time.
,,Adriana. Nice to see you again. Thank you Niklaus for letting us know you are taking a visit." he said sarcastically and closed sourly. But still professional. And seriously.
,,There was no time, brother. We don't talk on the phone behind the wheel. You didn't know that in a thousand years?" Klaus asked ironically.
I giggled.
,,This is no time for jokes, Niklaus. Are you hungry, Adriana?" Elijah asked me. Apparently he didn't want to talk about it in front of me.
,,No. Before the trip, I... I ate. If you can call it that." I said and Klaus smiled.
,,You fed. I guess this is the right word." Klaus said and went to sit on the couch.

,,So." Klaus said as they all settled down on the couch. Me too.
,,If you want to ask what's new in New Orleans... Really. That's enough." Elijah said.
,,Start." Klaus said and settled into the couch.
,,Well. Marcel is in town."
,,Really?" Klaus asked in disbelief, but cheerfully. Who is Marcel?"
,,I'm not really happy about it my brother.” Elijah said and Klaus frowned.
,,Why?" asked Klaus.
,,Well, he controls the witches and drove all the werewolves into bay."
,,That's weird. Why?” Klaus asked again.
,,I do not know it. I haven't even talked to him yet. It's up to you." Klaus nodded his head in agreement.
,,All right. I will go there in the evening." he said and Elijah looked like, that he still has something on his mind.
,,Niklaus, can we?" he asked him and pointed to the next room. Klaus shrugged but agreed. I didn't hear what they were saying. Definitely sage. That's what Emily told me. When you light sage in the room, nobody out there hears you.

𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒊𝒎. 𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗛! Where stories live. Discover now