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He just turned around angrily.
,,What do you want?" he asked measuredly.
,,I want to apologize to you. Maybe you're not like that and you're just still wearing your mask "evil villain"." I said and he turned around completely and blinked.
,,I assure you it is not a mask. What you saw in me is not all that I can do. You can be glad you didn't see Stefan and me in Tennessee." I raised both eyebrows.
,,What was going on in Tennessee anyway?” I asked.
,,It doesn't matter now. Ask brother, he'll tell you more." he said and smiled smugly and left. I am even more confused than I was.

So I called Stefan. But to my surprise Damon picked it up.
,,Hey." I said first.
,,Hello.” Damon's voice answered.
,,Oh, Damon. It's you. Can you put Stefan on the phone, please? I need to ask him something.” I said and Damon sighed.
,,He's not here at the moment and probably won't be coming anytime soon," he said. I was slightly taken aback.
,,Why? What happened, Damon?” I asked and he sighed again.
,,It's hard to explain now. I will only tell you that he left. If you were here, maybe it wouldn't happen. But probably yes. Stefan would not be interested." word interested greatly emphasized.
,,Should i come? Damon speak!" I cried out.
,,He turned his humanity off just through that fucking Klaus! He forced him! Our whole plan is messed up." he said and I stared. I pressed the phone to my ear even tighter.
,,He did what?" I asked irritated.
,,Have you heard. Adriana, I have no words for it. After all that, you're going to New Orleans with him. You know what? Fuck you." he said and turned me off.
Exasperated, I threw the phone on the couch.

Angry, I went to Klaus. Of course he was in a bar drinking with some blonde, but I wasn't interested.
,,You're really disabled!" I shouted across the bar and the commotion died down.
He took a breath and turned towards me on the bar stool.
,,What again?" he asked.
,,You know what. Stefan is in trouble again because of you! You don't even know what he was like! He killed the innocent and then suffered the guilt! And do you know who took care of him and his mess? His little sister! But I've had enough! All because of you! I can't even look at you anymore without being disgusted. Do you know what you are? You are a reckless ignoramus who thinks only of yourself! You're a self-centered moron!" I screamed and he stood up pissed off.
,,Shut up!" he shouted, and I reciprocated by raising my voice.
,,You shut the fuck up and listen! Fuck you! I'm not going to help you with anything anymore and I'm going to tell Damon all about your dastardly plan!"
,,Try it and see. You can't even. I compelled you." he said and smiled.
,,Do you think I can't shake off your hold? It can be done!" I said and he frowned.
,,You mean? What would you be without me? You wouldn't even get out of Mystic Falls because you keep thinking about those two morons! Have you ever even fucked?" that was the last straw. I reached out and slapped him really hard until he fell to the ground. I didn't even know that something like that was hidden in me. I was staring at my hand and everyone was looking at each other. I looked at Klaus for a while, and blood was flowing from his mouth. He spat and stood up. I looked around and left.

I ran back to the Mikaelson house and ran to pack. This was the last thing he uttered.
I was throwing things into my bag like crazy. He flew into the room like a pure madman and panted like a dog.
,,Get out! I don't want to see you!" I shouted and he stopped.
,,You me? You were just making a show there!" he said and I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
,,I don't care about your claim. I'm done with your plan and so am I with Stefan and Damon's plan. I'm no longer interested in your plans to kill the other." I said and zipped my luggage and wanted to leave. As I walked around him, he grabbed my arm and looked seriously into my eyes. It didn't take too long as he gave me a long kiss. At first I really fought back, but since he was holding me by both arms, it was impossible to get away from him.
I finally gave up. It wasn't that bad, but I remembered what he told me again. That's exactly what Damon told me.
How could I? I was still only taking care of the two of them. But that doesn't mean that everyone has to throw it in my face. When Klaus thought I finally gave up, so I pushed him away. He looked really confused, but I frowned and shook my head. I picked up my luggage, which fell out during all this, and left.

I got into the first taxi and told the driver to take me to the airport. On the way, I thought about what Klaus had done. What was the meaning? Stop me? Even though he clearly said that he doesn't need me? It does not make sense. What he does is terribly incomprehensible. And his behavior changes... Sometimes he's terribly nice, and sometimes he wants to kill me.
How should I understand it?
My phone started ringing and I didn't even have to look at it and I knew who was calling. I didn't want to pick up.

I picked up only after about the fifth call.
,,What is it?” I asked irritated.
,,Please don't leave. I know what I said was really stupid and it won't happen again but I need you for my plan and you need me for yours so that we both get what we want." poured out very quickly. For one thing, it made sense.

𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒊𝒎. 𝗘𝗡𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗦𝗛! Where stories live. Discover now