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She had not returned to Miraak as quickly as he had hoped. Instead, his servants reported that she returned to Skyrim's borders and was practicing Bend Will shout. He knew she would come to him, but staying in Mora's library had proved punishing since the pair's promise. The daedric prince was angry Miraak had stolen away his chance at a new pet. The library shook and the tentacles reached out to attack him any chance they had.

Mora would have him dead as soon as he found a champion able to perform the task. Miraak smiled knowing that Min is the closest one who could perform such a feet and she clearly had no intention of doing so. Although that may change change when she discovers he needs to kill her to leave this accursed place.

A shift in the fabric of the library alerted him to her presence. She is here. He thinks to himself. There is nothing left to do but wait for her.

He is not kept long as her dragon lands on the platform of the awful place he has called home all this time. She slipped off the back of the beast and stepped up to him.

"I am here. Can I help you leave?" She is close to him. Close enough for him to smell the jazberries again.

He wants so badly to not do this to her. He wonders if eternity trapped here is better than killing her. "You can help".

She stareed up at his mask without a hint of fear. Miraak stepped closer. Just enough that they are a hair's width away from their chests touching each other. His right hand goes around slowly to press into the small of her back. He did not do this forcefully. If she wished to run away and mount the dragon and he would not stop her. 

But she did not run. 

He raised his other hand and a knife formed in it behind her back. He will make this as painless as he can.

She buried her small hands into the fabric covering his arms and held him tightly, "May I see your face first"?

Miraak should say no. There is no reason to look at her with his eyes so directly; but he finds he cannot not deny her. Not now. "You may". 

He does not move and holds the knife steadily behind her back.

She reached up as high as she can and he lowered his head to meet her hands. Her fingers touch the metal and he wills the mask to disappear in a shower of green.

Seeing her with his real eyes is magical all its own. She is beautiful and fierce and his dragon soul pushes against his chest to get to her. He very nearly releases a growl before he can rein himself in.

He knows what she sees. One eye now completely the eye of a dragon with a few green scales forming around it. Mostly he is normal, but eons as a dragonborn will manifest somewhere on the body.

Her fingers remain at his face. Her eyes shining with some emotion he cannot discern. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, "You are... Mhm... I am not sure there is a word for how handsome you are". She lightly runs her fingers over his scales and Miraak cannot help but lean into her touch.

He wants to laugh. This beautiful creature finds handsome too weak a word to describe himself. He wants to correct her but before he can she griped his shoulders and pulled her body up to wrap her legs around him. He grunted in surprise and the dagger dissipates so he can catch her body and hold her in place.

Not unlike the time she climbed him in a dream. But this time she is real and warm in his arms. His entire body felt electrified by the closeness.

Now her head loomed over him and their eyes are locked together. Their breathing is heavy and his heart beats faster. She leans in and their lips very nearly touch. 

Across Worlds (Miraak x female dragonborn)Where stories live. Discover now