A brave new world

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Notes: I am a little unsure as to how they always have light in the deep roads in the game. I am assuming the place *sparkles* with light and will not address the fact that Mindora is essentially in a cave under a mountain. XD

Also this is the beginning of the dragon age timeline of the story. The lemon is separated. You can consider this an act 2 of sorts if you want. There is less Miraak her for a bit and more of Serana and Min's friendship.

Image source: https://www.writeups.org/fiona-dragon-age-gray-warden-elf/



Mindora panicked. Her tether to her husband was impossibly stretched. Her heart felt like it had snapped in two causing her chest to be impossible tight. 

She vomits on the ground.

She pulls at her magic to try and step to him but she finds it a much smaller well of mana than she was accustomed to using. She had been connected to his magic since their first night together and now she could feel the severe lose of that power. Without Miraak she had very little of her own magic compared to what she had before. 

But even with just her own well to reach into she felt she had only a fraction of that left to her as well. She tested her Destruction, Illusion, conjuration, alteration, and restoration.

Only restoration answered her call. The other schools were lost to her. 

It made sense. If she was to be limited to only a little magic then her first and primary school would be the easiest to draw upon. The magics clashed with her beliefs and she often avoided them to begin with. They had their place. Alteration school possessed fade step and destruction allowed for a last minute blast of fire if she backed into a corner, but she never felt connected to those schools.

Mindora suspected that a daedric prince had sent her away using the room. She recognized the power. If Serana was right then there is not guessing how long it will be before the way can be opened again. 

When it does open she knows her husband will break worlds to get to her. With the tether he will find her. It was a matter of researching this land on her end and understanding the divide between worlds. Maybe she can make it easier on him by doing that.

It was all the choice she had left. No other goals matter than getting to her husband.

Well no other major goals. 

Minor goals, however, are becoming more pressing.

First is where she finds herself now.

Which is clearly underground and very moldy. It looked as if the dwemer had built it. The thing the place lacked with the steam mechanisms. The blocky architecture was here and the underground theme was much the same. She was relieved at having some familiarity with her surroundings.

The smell was horrid. Dwemer ruins smelled of rot and decay thanks to the disgusting habits of falmer, but this place had a rot and dark magic smell. Which, dark magic is the most disgusting and invasive of smells a place can muster. It reminded her of castle Volkihar. 

Serana would be offended if she could hear Min's thoughts now.

Looking around she has no real idea of which way to go. The area she spawned did not have anything special marking it. No magic port keys or runes around her. No, her location is a mere hallway underground. A place used to get somewhere else. How fitting, she muses to herself. There is only two options as she sees it: go left or go right...

Min is not certain Mara or Akatosh can hear her prayers in this world, but she sends a silent one in hopes she chooses a direction that leads out of the place.

Across Worlds (Miraak x female dragonborn)Where stories live. Discover now