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Serana did not remember her. Min tried hard to trigger some memory. She would let words from their past slip like, Dawngaurd, Volkihar, Skyrim, Akaviri, hell she even tried trauma words like Molag Bal and Harkon. Nothing worked. Not even a spark of memory presented itself. Min wanted to curl up and cry. She was so close yet impossible far. Her closest friend has no memory of who she it and a parasitic magic mark now infects her hand.

The was painful and Min guesses that left unchecked it will kill Serana. When stabilizing the Rift the thing lit up and blinded anyone around them. Serana collapsed and it took a great deal of restoration magic on Min's part to help stabilize her.

Cassandra, Former Right Hand of the Divine, was furious when she witnessed Mindora's magic. She did not like that Min had been hidden from the chantry as a mage by both the Ferelden crown and Leliana for all these years. 

Leliana gave the Seeker one long and dangerous glare when Cassandra started down a righteous rant and cut her off, "The Divine was aware of her as well, Cassandra. Mindora has earned her freedom.".

Solas, the only other elf in the Inquisition, went alert when Leliana said that. He looked as if he had some questions for Mindora, but he held them back. Likely for later.

Mindora looked at the dwarf member of the group who carried a crossbow, "Do not mention me in your stories, Varric. I do not wish to threaten your life." Varric was amiable to the oreder. The man knew when he was outmatched, and did not wish anger the her.

Again, Solas looked very intrigued, but he held back. Mindora could see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes. He will be troublesome, she thinks.

Mindora did not pay anyone much mind. Her mind was racing with thoughts, Is Serana still a mage? More importantly is she a vampire in Thedas as well? Serana must not be a vampire, because Mindora's healing magic did not see her as undead anymore. Maybe Molag is the only way to vampirism and since his reach does not extend her, neither does her old powers. All this will take time to understand.

The Inquisition forms nicely under the care of Serana, or Harold of Andraste as she is now called. She may have lost who she was but her same heart was there.

Serana follows the leads Mindora and Leliana find and uses them the best she can. Leliana suggests a visit to a priestess of the chantry in Ferelden. The idea is to have more of the faith at their backs. Mindora agreed with the decision, but did not like the priestess. The woman meddled in affairs of religion that did not concern her. Mostly when she is faced with the elvish beliefs.

But it did improve the way people viewed the Inquisition banners.

Leliana felt it imperative that she maintains a heavy hand on her spies and remained in the mountain. Mindora was not so eager to remain at a desk and offered herself as party member if Serana desired it.

Serana would bring her sometimes when she needed a healer or a rogue, but mostly she left Min behind. 

Unlike the last three Kings of Ferelden; Serana did not see Mindora's value as an ally. 

That hurt more than she could ever put to words. Centuries of friendship undone in a matter of moments. It was salt in an already gaping wound. When given a clean start Serana did not even give Min a glance... It made her physically ill. It took a lot from her to try and hide that. Especially when she saw Serana get along with the other so well. Varric always had the vampire's ear. Vivienne and Serana would taste wines together. Bull and the Chargers would play drinking games with her. Solas would explain magic and fade to her for hours at a time. Cassandra would spar with Serana trying to teach the former mage some new ways to fight. Sera was teaching her archery on occasion. 

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