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The warning note is a spoiler, but I prefer no one be triggered or uncomfortable.

Warning: Depression, suicide trigger, and death of a minor.

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10 Year Old Mindora

Only certain times of the day can one view light peaking through the tree canopy. Little Mindora loathed to miss it.

She was hauling her brother along behind her to the one place she knew it would show without fail. Anrim did not like leaving for this boring adventure, but he did it for her. Her little 8 year old brother was always so studious and the adventures she always drug him on only served to get him away from his studies and in trouble.

"Minnie! na eaan not supposed va be minh far heu. Na always get va trouble coming tayan. (Minnie! We are not supposed to be this far out. We always get into trouble coming here.)" Anrim whines behind her in his native tongue of bosmer.

Mindora pauses and turns to her brother. She would much prefer to share these things with him, but he looked so pouty. It was hard to argue with him when he rarely complained about her behavior any other time.

"Na elnah run hom, ae ahd nuvah emah akah ashunta fra nah ow. (We can run home, and I may have time return on my own.)," Min soothed her brother's worries.

Turning around swiftly she ran home toward the house and still dragging the small boy behind her. He let out a yelp at the sudden change, but managed to recover himself before he fell behind her. 

Min may enjoy the sun when is showed itself, but she would not trade her trees for anything. They offered safety, home, and beauty. Animals lounged beneath the trunks and birds sang in the trees by the hundreds. The Wood elf homes dot the landscape with their curved architecture and lighted candles.

Min passes the temple and is tempted to pause in respect, but she has not the time. Y'ffre The Story Teller and Mara Lady of Love were always her favorites. Stories drew the curious child and love was always Mindora's childhood fantasy. Not much longer now and her parents would make her choose her patron to serve at the temple. 

It was hard to decide between stories and hearts.

But today there is no need to worry. 

She drug her brother all the way home and left him at the door before trying to race back to her spot before the sun moved too far in the sky. 

"No nuven va satahn fae ae sun momae ae dadae. An jun ni ti hapy va sun nah ae ni no (You need into arrive in and see mom and dad. He/she will not be happy to see me and not you.)," Anrim pleaded. He did not wish to see his sister in trouble.

Min smiled and hugged him, "Ahd am alwys fae troe. Ma idahr aher anix av trouble ni va nah? (I am always in trouble. What would another day of trouble be to me?).".

Min took off into the trees before he could protest further. 

There is no more time. She wanted the warmth of the sun on her skin. She wanted to close her eyes and hear the gentle quiet of the woods. It was a simple desire that often led her to punishment with her parents and village elders, but it was her only desire not influenced by others.

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