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"I need to go see my friend," She giggled as she slinked out of his arms, "I need to visit the land of the living sometimes you know... or in her case... the dead".

Miraak grunts at her and passes her the daggers, "Be careful".

She hums a yes as she steps out the door and teleports to her friend's home. 

Serana had finally settled into a house at the Imperial city of Cyrodiil and wanted to show her friend the work she had put in to make it her own. 

Serana also wanted to show Mindora her work in Akaviri ruins she had delved into thus far. Dungeon diving is the vampire's favorite pass time whenever they join together for their visits abd Skyrim had been picked clean by the girls a few years ago. They needed something new and Cyrodiil offered that opportunity. Serana was also not fond of Nordic ruins anymore as most of her life had been spent inside one, trapped



The veil between worlds had finally thinned enough to send her through.

Molag was thrilled at the plan. It would separate the mated souls for an unguessable amount of time. It could be a thousand years before the veil thinned enough to punch through. A fitting punishment for the insolent elf and dragonpriest.

It was good to punish for the Elvish dragonborn, but the two princes' true goal was to force Miraak into insanity. He had been tame these last four hundred years, and the only reason any daedra could guess why was Miraak's wife had that influence over him. 

Dagon is certain there will be a punishment for this, but what could the aedra do to the prince of destruction and the prince of torment with the silent and powerful third party at their backs...

Molag joins Dagon in the deadlands with a wicked grin on his face. The prince of destruction always thought that Molag had the worst and most wicked of grins among all the princes. And that thought was disturbing on its own as most of the princes are terrible and ugly beings with evil designs of their own. Dagon included.

Molag looks around and takes in the misery of the deadlands with absolute glee. The monster turns to Dagon and hands over a blue orb of power and says, "She has left Miraak's side this day and is far from his reach. Let us begin and be done with this dragonborn problem we have.".

Dagon nods to his ally and gets to work. Molag is powerful, but breaking veils and world divides is something Molag does not have experience with. Only Dagon has successfully broken the laws of Akatosh in the past, and that skill is necessary for their current goal.

Molag had used a friend of Serana's to guide her to a special room in an Akaviri ruin. Serana's insatiable curiosity and desire for discovery was always exploitable. And one could guarantee that Serana will show her discoveries to Min...



Akaviri ruins unsettle her friend every time they enter one. Usually Akaviri are fascinated with the dragonborn and Mindora hates the hero worship.

Min would have been terrible as an aedra. 

Serana liked the places. The closest reason she can guess as to why is that she these places are are not Nordic like her own tomb had been and the dwemer ruins were always difficult puzzles with falmer up to her ears. Plus Akiviri ruins smelled like caves rather than rot or decay like the other two options tended to do.

Mindora dutifully follows after Serana to the main chamber. The girls are for a while before Min breaks the silence, "Your new home in the city is perfect for you, Serana. I especially like the black curtains with red trim. It suits your color palette.".

Across Worlds (Miraak x female dragonborn)Where stories live. Discover now