Keep Him Safe

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It has been a week since Sumin's accident. He is on the verge of a very quick recovery. He can walk. Slowly. But he can walk. He is still in the hospital.

My routine since his accident is pretty umm What can I say Swamped by work and Sumin.

His school has called on temporary vacation for 2 weeks since that incident. So, His friends come by pretty often.

Sumin's X-ray results are positive. His scars are almost healing. They don't need bandages but his hand is still plastered with some heavy wraps.

Many things have taken a turn. The police are trying hardcore for this case. Whoever did this is smart. He didn't leave a single trace of his deeds.

This is getting completely out of hand now. I am trying so hard to stay calm but I can't. I am taking pills. Like I am on pills. My anxiety and trauma are coming back to me again. The trauma I fought for years to refrain from it was coming back.

A sudden scare rushes through my veins every time I think of these things.

Jimin and I haven't talked properly this one week. He is Super busy with his 'YOUTH' project but he still managed to make time for me. Flattering.

At the moment, I was helping Sumin walk around the terrace. He needs support. "Noona, I can do it myself," He insisted. "You fell 7 times this evening Sumin," I reminded him. "I know, but I can do it now," He insisted. I rolled my eyes and didn't pay attention to his words at all.

After making him walk, I took him back to his cabin and gave him his breakfast. The nurse came for a checkup run. These nurses are getting on my nerve. They are giving Sumin some sort of 'EXTRA special care. Everyone is flirtatious. Sumin also enjoys it.

"Baby, I will go talk with your doc. Be a good boy while I am gone," I told Sumin. "No soy un bebé, Hermana, ( I am not a baby, sister)" Sumin replied. "Pero te gusta cuando hablo así contigo. Pues cállate. (But you like it when I talk to you like that. Well shut up)" I said and slapped him playfully before I went to talk with his doctor.

"Hey doctor, how do you think Sumin is doing these days?" I asked him. "His recovering quickly, He can get a release after a week. We want to keep him here till he starts walking properly. It will take him less than a week at this rate I think. But his major dose of medicine has to run for a week too. And about his hands, It might take a long time but it will heal," He said as I smiled at him and thanked him before walking out of the chamber.

I went back to Sumin's cabin to see Jimin's parents and Jihyun standing there talking with Sumin. "Mom, Dad, Jihyun? when did you all come?" I asked them. "right now dear," Jimin's mother said. I gave them a quick hug. "Sumin, you should get ready, Nar's funeral is today," Jihyun said.


I forgot.

Nars's funeral was about to happen 5 days ago but The police said that they needed his body for further investigation. To be honest, I was pissed at this. Nars's mother went bonkers at the police. I mean she felt devasted that her son was in the morgue for days. I felt bad too. Now I realized why Everyone was wearing a black dress.

"Noona, you didn't tell me about Nars's funeral," Sumin said. "I forgot too," I said with guilt. "Don't worry, It doesn't start for another 1 hour. Let's get you ready buddy," Jimin's father said. "I have to go for a run and grab his clothes," I said while grabbing my car keys and phone. "Darling, Jimin already send your and his clothes," Jimin's mother said handing over a brown paper bag. I smiled at Jimin's act.

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