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Everyone was around the fire, eating the deer that Daryl had caught hunting. I always had an issue with eating meat- anything other than beef turned me stomach. Back when I was at home, my dad hunted and would force me to try exotic meats like duck and deer.. it never felt normal or right to me because they're such innocent animals. I vividly remember watching my dad hang their heads on our walls, and how he would yell at me for hours while all I could do was stare in the eyes of a dead animal because it was better than the eyes of an abuser.

However, you had to do what you had to do to survive; I wasn't complaining about that, because an alive non tainted deer is a luxury now. Everyone was laughing, eating, and trying to reminisce; but all I could do was stay silent.

After everything calmed down, my nervous system was still on the verge of anxiety. My fists were bruised and my knuckles were laced with swelling and old blood stains. I've already been questioned and of course everyone, even Carol, is on my side in defense.

They shoved Ed inside of a tent to "sleep off the pain," but they did so so he was away from me. It wasn't hard to not hit a woman- especially your wife. I look up at Sophia, who is in the tent with her father. It makes me wonder what the poor girl has seen. I sigh as I look down, the night fall coming over my body and making it automatically shiver.

I flip my hands back and forth, examining the bandages. I've had Rick, Carol, Lori, and Andrea thank me for helping. But I was also glad they had stopped me- the last thing I want to do is take away Carol's chance of killing Ed when he turned into one of those walkers. I knew how it felt with me shoving Mickey out of the house- it felt releasing. Like I was able to properly heal again. Because, as I learned the hard way, you cannot heal in the place that tried killing you.

As I stare into the flames and whiff the burning sensation of fire wood, ash, and pine, I see a body sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. I look over to see a strong stature, tight clothing, and a bumped forehead- Shane.

"May I help you?" I raise an eyebrow as I stare into the cracking flames.

"Nah, nah. Just want to applaud you for doing what you did back there. I knew that asshole was beating his wife. As soon as I saw it I was coming down to do what you did myself." He shakes his head and ruffles his hair. I look over to Lori, who plants a kiss on Rick and holds Carl.

"Yeah, well it had to be done. How's the Grimes family treating you?" I raise an eyebrow well aware of the drama and tension surfacing between Lori and Shane's affair. "Wife thinks husband is dead, hooks up with so-called dead husbands best friend out of loneliness. Dead husband returns. Horrible predicament to be in if your ask me." I shrug, and Shane looks at me.

"Nah.. gave up on that a long time ago since Rick set foot in this camp. Can't do that to my best friend." He leans back looking at me. "So what's your story?"

"You mean nightmare?" I chuckle a bit as I plop a warm and chewy piece of venison in my mouth. "It sucked. But I'm alive so who cares? Not me. I keep that stuff buried." I clap my hands together, and stand up looking back at Shane. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to do something else but thanks for the pep talk."

     It felt uneasy talking to Shane; a part of me felt maybe it was just me and he was genuinely nice- like it was just a comfort thing being alone with men I don't know of. Or maybe it was because I knew things Rick probably didn't know, and I held respect for Rick. Shane has attempted to make conversation on occasion, and even though I'd engage I'd be unsure of how to come across as authentic.

     I make way over to the RV, seeing Dale and Andrea perched on the steps and eating out of plastic bowls. Besides Andrea was Amy, who sat in silence as she looked up at the sky.

     "Sage," Andrea smiles at me. "How's the hand?" She nods down towards the bandages and I bite my cheek.

     "Sore, but good." I smile back and Dale perks up.

     "So, I heard what you did back there. Proud of you, kid. That poor woman and child have endured enough." He shakes his head as he ruffles his white beard and tilts back his fisher hat. "Sad world we live in, men thinking it's alright to hit women. Hell would have to freeze over before I could have ever done that to my wife." He sounded genuinely disturbed, and it also sounded as if he had disturbing memories. Maybe his wife wasn't here anymore.

     "Yeah, games major balls to do that." Amy chuckles. I sit down on a paint chipped picnic bench and look up. The stars were illuminated by the moon and the clouds were illuminated by the moon. Ever since the factories shut down and people stopped driving cars, the sky became a lot clearer; I guess you could say that was one pro to the list of cons.

     "So, what did you do before this?" I look over to Andrea who is now leaned forward in a position that implies she's ready to listen.

     "Well, I worked at a bar. It was the closest job that could get me close enough to pulling enough money for Ava's expenses and food on the table. Had to flirt my way through a lot, do risky things to get money.. but it had to be done." 

     I shiver at the thought of the men I let touch me. The fake flirting I pulled so a creepy white old man could grab my ass and slip a twenty in between my cleaver. All because I needed a few more bucks for bills. Mickey didn't bring in shit; in fact, he never worked. So it was always me trying to work overtime and pick up shifts in attempts to make do.

     The conversation fell silent, and I hear the bushes behind me rustle. I stand up and turn, putting my hand over the gun in my waist band.

     A muscular figure emerges with his hands up, the moon revealing a familiar face and red neck stature.

     "Daryl?" I release my hand off of the gun.

     "You're making traps with me. Rick wants someone to teach you." He says it almost cold and flat, like he was annoyed with me already; and we haven't even had one conversation.

     "If you say so." I can't help but roll my eyes at his tone and look back at Amy, Andrea, and Dale giving them a small smile. Within moments, I was following Daryl into the dark woods.

Penance (Book One): Daryl Dixon x Sage Wilson Where stories live. Discover now