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It's been a couple of days. I was still on a strict bed rest, and my head was in a fog and a daze from what really happened back in Woodbury. I told Rick all of the intel I possibly knew of; and so did the others. He rescued some from the fire. A girl named Sasha, her brother Tyreese, Karen, two little girls by the name of Lizzie and Mika along with their father, and some others. Those were just the people I had directly met thus far; and I trusted them. They weren't a part of the gruesome violence that occurred. It was the Governor.

"Hey, you okay?" I look up to see Daryl leaning in the doorstep.

I nod slowly, standing up and stretching down my tank top over my jeans. My bra barely fit me anymore, and my chest popped out of every shirt known to man. We had to go and try to find formula and diapers for Lori's soon to be here baby, and while we were out I had to look for something for myself.

I notice Daryl quickly divert his eyes from me, starting to walk down to the exit. I follow Daryl out, keeping a hand on my side. My stitches still had a tendency to pull and it didn't feel the best- but luckily we had a car that Daryl, Glenn, and Rick hot wired. For however long that lasts with the gas scarcity.

We head outside, and I see Maggie hop in the back and Rick in the front.

"I'll take back with Maggie," I say as I walk to the car and get in.

"You sure? Might be easier for you to have more room," Daryl says. I raise my eyebrows giving him a warning look and he then shrugs, getting in the passenger side.


Within ten minutes, we were in the city.

"We need to keep an eye out now that we know we are dealing with someone new. He's going to notice we took some of his people; so just lay low." Rick says as he puts the car in park.

"Maggie and I will look for baby supplies, you guys look for food; more mouths to feed now." I say.

"Agreed," Maggie says as she gives me a smile.

We all walk to the store, bearing our guns as soon as Rick kicks off the lock.

"Clear," Daryl and Rick say as they scan the entrance.

"For now," I slightly joke.

Maggie and I go to the left side of the building where the baby stuff and hygiene care was. I start to skim the shelves, picking up a bottle of oatmeal baby shampoo. I tilt it in my hands; this was the brand I had used for Ava when she was two. I shove it into my bag, and Maggie smiles at me.

"You found baby shampoo?"

"Yeah, a good brand too. Surprised it's even here," I say.

"I can tell you have experience.. with kids. You have a certain vibe to you, you know." Maggie smiles as she shoves baby food into her bag.

"Yeah. I believe it. I had to raise my sister on my own," I say as I grab a plastic milk bottle.

Maggie looks to me with sorrow, and gives me an apologetic smile.

I crouch down, reaching for a small bag of baby wipes. "Any diapers?" I ask Maggie as I lean forward.

"Nothing so far, look behind and under the shelves." I get on my stomach, but notice instead of diapers I see walking feet.

"Maggie!" I whisper urgently. She looks at me alarmingly, her eyes opening wide as she quietly hits down to the floor.

"Where are the guys?" I say in barely a whisper.

"Other side of the store, we are separated by a door.."

I knew I didn't recognize those boots. But at the same time I felt as if I did. My chest tightens as I try to grab out my handgun, fumbling for a secure grip.

But life had another plan in mind. A magazine clacks onto the tile creating a loud and obvious noise. I close my eyes tight, my heart now beating out of its chest as my stitches pull on the hard floor.

"What the fuck?" A man's voice sounds. I slowly look up, seeing the one person I never wanted to see.

The one person I thought I killed. My heart stops, and my eyes begin to burn and well up with painful tears.

"M- Mickey..?"

Penance (Book One): Daryl Dixon x Sage Wilson Where stories live. Discover now