Chapter 3

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Rapunzel: Okay, guys, what do you think of this pose?

Cassandra: Hmm, too boho.

Rapunzel: Ugh.

She balances some books on her head.

Rapunzel: How about this?

Cassandra: Too stiff.

Y/n: Come on, Cass, it's just a painting. Stop being such a stickler.

Cassandra: It's not just a painting, Y/n. It's the princess's royal portrait.

Rapunzel: (sighs) She's right. Every portrait says something about what made that king or queen unique.

Cassandra: And you need to decide on your look soon. Giovanni will be here in two days, and he's known for his temper as much as his art.

Y/n: (points to a painting) Check out this dude. He's just chilling and looks happy.

Cassandra: Careful! Those paintings are priceless, especially that one. It's the only known painting of Robin XI.

Rapunzel: Wait, there were 11 Robins?

Y/n: Nah, just this one. They called him Robin XI because he had eleven fingers.

Cassandra: If you're trying to find your defining activity, Rapunzel, don't listen to this guy whose only accomplishment is being a washed-up thief.

Y/n: Wow, harsh much? I'll have you know, Cassandra, that I'm a legend in my own right.

Cassandra: And what exactly do you do now?

Y/n: Not that it's any of your business, but I have many important things to attend to. Things you wouldn't understand. And at least I'm not just the princess's personal maid, cleaning up after her all day. I mean, come on, does anyone really take you seriously?

Cassandra: (smirks) And yet, here I am, the one the princess trusts to help her with her portrait.

Next scene.

Y/n: Can you believe that Cassandra? Two-bit hood. She makes it seem that the only things that I'm good at is lying, cheating and stealing. Yeah, I'm very good but still there is so much more than that.

Thugs: Hmm?

Y/n: Don't tell me that you guys are agreeing with Cassandra?

Big Nose: No,no,no. We don't... agree with her. We simply arrive.. at a... well, I'm, nearly identical assessment, is all.

Y/n: No, no, no. There is something more than I am good. And I can prove it to her. Watch me.

Next scene.

Y/n had tried many jobs so far and had failed miserably. He then kicked through the door and then sat down.

Y/n: Who knew having a job would be so much work?(sighs) I mean, what, with all those rules and responsibilities. You should have heard some of these guys I worked for. It's like, " Hey, buddy, who died and made you boss?"(sighs) Maybe Cassandra was right. Ugh! Just saying those four words sent bile into my mouth, down the throat- oh, that- oh. Yuck! But it's true. Maybe the only thing I was to be was a-

Woman: Thief! Stop! Thief!

Y/n looked outside to see a man running with stolen goods.

Y/n: I know where he's headed!

The guards were there as well.

Y/n: Guys, he's heading for the dock!

Guard Captain: We'll handle this Rider, and besides, he ran into the opposite direction, genius!

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