Chapter 20

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As Rapunzel finished her conversation with the king, Y/n could sense the tension in the air.

Y/n: So, I'm guessing we won't be seeing a father-daughter bonding session anytime soon?

Rapunzel shot him a glare, and Y/n quickly raised his hands in surrender.

Y/n: Alright, alright, I'll shut up.

Rapunzel let out a deep sigh.

Rapunzel: I just don't understand why he would keep this from me. Corona is in danger, and I feel like I'm the only one who can do something about it.

Y/n stepped forward and took her hands in his.

Y/n: Listen, you're not alone in this. No matter what we're up against, I'll be by your side.

Rapunzel gave him a small smile.

Rapunzel: Thank you, Y/n. But I think I need some time alone to process everything.

Y/n nodded.

Y/n: Of course. But remember, even in the darkest of times, you have a way of finding the light. I have no doubt that everything will work out in the end.

With a comforting squeeze of her hand, Y/n let go and stepped back, giving Rapunzel the space she needed.

Y/n heard some noise coming from the pub and decided to check it out. As he entered, he saw Stan and Pete arguing.

Stan: You're such a jerk, Pete!

Pete: All I said was that your breath smells like a rotten tree stump and that you're a subpar croquet player. And by the way, all those times I said you have a lovely singing voice? I was lying.

Stan gasped in shock and hurt.

Rapunzel: Pete, what are you doing? Stan is your best friend!

Pete: I know, I know, but I can't help it. I have to say what's on my mind.

Stan: Well, you've got cookie crumbs on your face! (storms off, sobbing)

Pete: Stan, wait! I'm sorry!

Pete chased after Stan, leaving Y/n and Rapunzel alone.

Y/n: Well, that was unpleasant. Looks like you've got your hands full with this whole "saving Corona" thing, Blondie. Why don't you go get some rest? I'll handle things here.

Rapunzel nodded and headed upstairs to her room. Y/n watched her go, then turned to his trusted companion, Blitz.

Y/n: Looks like it's just you and me, buddy. Let's go cause some chaos.

Later that evening, Rapunzel was sitting on her balcony, staring out at the night sky. Y/n approached her, Blitz perched on his shoulder.

Y/n: Hey, Blondie. Mind if I join you?

Rapunzel: Not at all.

Y/n sat down next to her, and they sat in silence for a moment before he spoke up.

Y/n: So, what's on your mind? You seem a little down.

Rapunzel sighed and leaned back in her chair.

Rapunzel: I just can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Y/n: Yeah, I get that a lot too. But you know what I always say? Fear is just a four-letter word for "suck it up, buttercup."

Rapunzel chuckled despite herself.

Rapunzel: That's terrible advice.

Y/n: Hey, I never said it was good advice. But sometimes you just gotta face your fears head-on and hope for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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