Chapter 5

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Rapunzel was waiting until she heard Cassandra yelling.

Cassandra: L/n!

This causes Rapunzel to mess up her painting.

Rapunzel: (sighs) Not this shit again.

Y/n: What's crawled up your ass and died, princess? Oh wait, I don't give a flying fuck. Why don't you go find someone else to bother, or better yet, go shave that hairy beard you call a pussy.

Rapunzel tried to keep her cool and calmly asked.

Rapunzel: Hey, guys! Everything okay? I couldn't help but overhear-

Cassandra: Not only did you take my halberd without asking, you got your disgusting hair all over it!

Y/n: Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell do you know that didn't come from my glorious man mane? And what the fuck is a halberd anyway?

She showed him the halberd.

Y/n: Oh, that's a halberd. But can you really blame me? Gotta keep this face looking pretty for all the ladies. And I know Rapunzel here can vouch for that.

Cassandra: Ugh, you're such an asshole.

Rapunzel: (sighs) Okay, everyone, let's just take a deep, calming breath. (inhales and exhales)

Y/n: Alright, let's cut the bullshit. I've asked you several times to use that thing, and you've said "no" every time. But guess what? I don't listen to you. So why don't you go back to cleaning, and maybe you'll get lucky and some guy will stare at your ass all day.

Rapunzel: Guys, come on. This is ridiculous.

Y/n: Not as ridiculous as Cassandra's sour face making my breakfast taste like shit.

Cassandra: Y/n, a halberd should only be handled by a true warrior.

Y/n: And who says I ain't a warrior, huh? I've taken down more men than you've had hot meals. What does a glorified maid like you know about it?

He snatched the halberd and began swinging it around like a pro, but accidentally knocked over a priceless vase.

Cassandra: Ha! Look what you did, Y/n.

Y/n: Relax, it was just a vase. Probably made in China anyway.

Rapunzel: Let's not worry about it! I mean, it was my dad's favorite, irreplaceable, one-of-a-kind, most precious vase, but-

Cassandra: Hey, why don't you go steal him another one? Oh wait, you can't. This one was a one-of-a-kind.

Y/n: Of course you'd be the type to care about some fancy vase, Cassandra. Probably because you ain't got nothing else going for you.

Cassandra: You know what, Y/n? You're right. I do care about the vase, because unlike you, I have respect for other people's belongings.

Y/n: Ooh, burn. I think I feel a tear coming on.

Rapunzel then began cleaning up the broken vase from the floor.

Rapunzel: I can't take it anymore, Pascal. I mean, why can't Cass and Y/n just get along? They're both caring, supportive, and very considerate people... who somehow got us to clean up their mess. I bet they would be great friends if they just stopped fighting long enough to spend some quality time together. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! That's it! That's it! I will make them spend time together. Come on.

Pascal began putting up letters for Cassandra and Y/n and for them to meet.

Next scene.

They met inside of a jail cell.

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