Chapter 16

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Rapunzel: Hey Y/n, what's up?

Y/n: I'm not sure if you've noticed, but every time I go to the black rocks, I start glowing.

Rapunzel: Really? That's strange. Let me see.

Y/n: (walks over to the black rocks) See? I told you.

Rapunzel: Wow, that's amazing! You must have some kind of connection to the rocks.

Y/n: Do you think it could be related to my past?

Rapunzel: It's possible. We should investigate further.
Rapunzel: Y/n, have you tried to touch the rocks?

Y/n: No, I haven't. Why do you ask?

Rapunzel: Maybe your connection to the rocks is deeper than we thought. Perhaps touching them could reveal something new.

Y/n: That's a good idea. (touches the rock)

Y/n: Woah, what was that?

Rapunzel: What did you feel?

Y/n: It's like...memories flooding back. I remember healing someone with my hands.

Rapunzel: You must have some kind of magical power connected to the rocks! This is incredible!

Y/n: But why was it hidden from me all this time?

Y/n decided to leave all those thoughts behind.

Y/n walked over to the training grounds where Cassandra was practicing her swordsmanship. He couldn't resist teasing her a little bit.

Y/n: Hey Cass, you know I'm pretty good with a sword too. Maybe I could teach you a thing or two.

Cassandra snorted. "I highly doubt that. But feel free to try and prove me wrong."

The two of them sparred for hours, each one trying to outdo the other. Y/n was surprised at how well matched they were. Cassandra was definitely one of the toughest opponents he had ever faced.

As they took a break, Y/n noticed something strange happening with his hands again. They started glowing just like they did with the black rocks.

Cassandra raised an eyebrow.

Cassandra:What's going on with your hands?

Y/n hesitated before deciding to tell her everything about his connection to the black rocks and his newfound magical power.

Cassandra listened intently before nodding thoughtfully.

Cassandra: Interesting. Perhaps we can use this power to our advantage in battle."

Y/n grinned.

Y/n: Now you're talking my language.
Y/n took Eugene's place at the royal dinner table, feeling strange with his newfound magical power. The rest of the group sat down and began to eat.

Rapunzel: So, Y/n, have you discovered anything new about your connection to the black rocks?

Y/n: Yeah, I found out that I have some kind of magical power connected to them.

Cassandra: That's impressive. Have you been able to control it?

Y/n: Not really. It seems to come and go on its own.

King Frederic: Well, Y/n, we are grateful for your help in protecting Corona. Your bravery does not go unnoticed.

Queen Arianna: Yes, and we hope that you will continue to fight alongside us in any future battles.

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