Chapter 14

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Max was able to stop Axel and Lady Caine was now back to where she belongs.

Y/n: Who would have thought that that horse would be working for Lady Caine all along. But anyways, I've got something big. It's a tournament that is happening tomorrow. Anyone compete. Even Cassandra. So let's get ready and excited for this.

Rapunzel: If Cassandra's I'm this, then so am I?

Y/n: I hate to break this to ya, princess but you can't compete.

Rapunzel: What? Why not?

Y/n: Because it's already full. Too full for you to compete. Sorry.

Rapunzel: Awww.

As the tournament was on, Cassandra was making it her job so that she could make it to the final so that she could win it all. And the other guy that was doing was just this giant guy who was muscular and large. He goes by the name Ivan Zakharov. He was so large and scary that who ever dared to stepped foot against him would get thrown and tossed around like they are nothing. Cassandra on the other hand was doing fine on her own and it appears that she may have got this one in the bag after all.

Rapunzel: Cassandra's in the finals. And she's up against that big dude up there.

Y/n: Yeah, that guy is huge.

Rapunzel: But don't worry. Cassandra got this.

Y/n: Say, Blondie, would you be so kind and get some popcorn down there. That would be so nice.

Rapunzel: Sure thing.

Rapunzel went down and came back with some popcorn and when she did, the fight was about to start. Ivan was the first to attack. He threw a punch in her direction but Cassandra was fast enough to dodge out of the way and then delivered kick to his face and followed up with a punch. This was enough to send the big guy down. Rapunzel cheered her all the way from the audience.

Rapunzel: Wooo! Go Cass!

This wasn't enough to keep Ivan down though. He got right back up so that he could attack her once again. Cassandra jumped up and then send another punch right to his face and to knock him down. That still wasn't enough. It appears that it only made him mad.

Cassandra: Why won't you just stay down.

She dodged a few more of his attacks. She then proceeds to deliver various of punches to his face and then delivered a kick to his face which was able to knock him down. This still wasn't enough to keep him down. He got back up and charged. But this time, he was able to catch Cassandra right off guard. This took her right by surprise. He was able to punch her in the face, knocking her down and it was enough to make her nose bleed.

Rapunzel: Oh no.

Cassandra then recovered off the ground. She struggled to keep herself up because she was in some intense pain right now. She charged at him and then delivered a series of kicks to his face and hoping that they would be enough to take him down but it wasn't even. Ivan them came right back to Cassandra to attack her but she was able to dodge most of his attack so she was able to move out of the way and then delivered a kick right at his neck but to her surprise it may seemed that she have broken his neck as well. So, it may look like she could be disqualified but then he got right up from the ground and snapped his head right back in place. He looked as vicious more than he was before and then charged straight at her. She was able to dodged the first attack and the delivered some more kick right to him but all that did was to make him mad.

Cassandra was starting to feel exhausted as she tried to take down Ivan. Her punches weren't having any effect on him, and he seemed to be getting stronger with each passing moment.

Suddenly, Ivan lunged at Cassandra with incredible speed, catching her off guard. She barely had time to dodge out of the way before he landed a powerful blow that sent her flying across the room. The impact left her dazed and gasping for air.

Cassandra's heart raced as she stared into Ivan's glowing red eyes. Something was off about him, and it was clear now that he wasn't just an ordinary fighter. She needed to come up with a plan quickly if she wanted to survive this match.
Cassandra struggled to break free from Ivan's grasp, but he held her hair tightly. She felt a sharp pain in her scalp as she coughed up blood. Rapunzel rushed to Cassandra's side, trying to help her friend.

Rapunzel: Let her go!

Rapunzel yelled at Ivan, but he didn't listen. He continued to pull on Cassandra's hair, causing her even more pain.

Cassandra tried to fight back, but she was too weak. She knew she needed to come up with a plan quickly, or else she would be defeated by Ivan.

Cassandra's mind raced as she tried to come up with a plan. She couldn't keep fighting Ivan head-on, especially now that he seemed to have some sort of supernatural power.

Ivan's eyes glowed brighter as he laughed wickedly. "You think you can defeat me? I am not just an ordinary fighter, I have powers beyond your imagination," he said.

Cassandra tried to break free from his grasp, but Ivan was too strong. He delivered a series of brutal punches and kicks to her body, causing her to cry out in pain.

Rapunzel watched in horror as her friend was being beaten mercilessly by Ivan. She knew she had to do something to stop him before it was too late.

"Hey, over here!" Rapunzel shouted, trying to distract Ivan.

Ivan turned his attention towards Rapunzel, giving Cassandra a chance to break free. She stumbled back, gasping for air as she tried to catch her breath.

"You're going to pay for that," Ivan snarled at Rapunzel as he charged towards her.

Rapunzel dodged his attack and then delivered a powerful punch right at his face. To her surprise, Ivan barely flinched and instead retaliated with a devastating blow that sent Rapunzel flying across the arena.

Cassandra struggled to get back on her feet as Ivan approached her once again. However, this time she was ready for him. She ducked under his attack and then delivered a swift kick right at his knees, causing him to stumble backwards.

As Ivan recovered from the blow, Cassandra noticed something strange about him. His eyes were no longer glowing red, and he seemed confused and disoriented.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Rapunzel said as she helped Cassandra up.

Together they made their way out of the arena, not looking back at the chaos they left behind them.


After the match was over. Cassandra was badly bruised and Rapunzel them went over to her side.

Rapunzel: Cass, it's going to be okay. I promise.

Rapunzel then used her hair and to heal her of her broken bones or any injuries that may have occurred during the beating.

Y/n; Who was that guy?

Rapunzel: I don't know, but whoever he is, he is crazy strong.

Cassandra looked at Rapunzel.

Cassandra: Thank you, Raps.

Rapunzel: Of Course, Cass. That's what friends are for.

As they walked away from the arena, Cassandra couldn't help but feel relieved that it was all over. She had been so focused on defeating Ivan in the ring that she hadn't realized just how dangerous he really was.

As they walked towards the sunset.

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