"i will always be there for you"(01)

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while Caitlin was sitting in star labs at her desk she noticed cisco wasn't there. she picked up her phone and went into contacts. "he's off today, don't you remember" barry said and laughed bitterly. "but where is everyone else in team flash then" Caitlin said confused as she fingered a pen that was lying on her desk. "Allegra and Chester were going to Thailand for 2 weeks and..." Caitlin interrupted barry by raising her hand to signal "stop" because she just remembered where everyone was. she hasn't been in good mental health since frost passed away but things started to improve. she had just started going back to work again but was still having a hard time with being at star labs as it brings back a lot of memories.

Caitlin watched barry work on his computer in some minutes and got some memories from when frost got her own body back. "hey barry.." Caitlin started. barry looked at Caitlin and he could tell something was wrong. "yeah?" barry asked waiting for her to answer.

"do you mind if I go to the bathroom?" Caitlin held her stomach and it looked like she would throw up any second.

"Cait how are you, what's wrong," barry asked and walked to her desk.

"I just have some period cramps" Caitlin replied and smiled at him at the same time as she tried not to cry because of the pain

Caitlin continued with her work but barry insisted that she would go home. when she argued he took his superspeed and left her in front of her house with her handbag. and then he ran back to star labs.

Caitlin sighed but she still wanted to stay home because of her pain.

Caitlin wanted to be in a better mood so she started to clean her house since that makes her calm. while cleaning her bedroom she saw a box. of course she opened the box and inside it, there were photos from 2012-2017. First, she started to think about Ronnie but then she giggled because she remember being in love with barry in 2013 but he married iris and married her again so she lost hope. there were also lots of pictures of team flash which made her smile. it was old team flash, the originals. cisco who moved, barry, is still here, she and Harrison wells or so-called Eobard Thawne. the traitor. she put away the photos and continued cleaning.

after barry was done at work he came home to Caitlin and checked on her. "hey, are u okay" barry asked as he sat down next to Caitlin on her sofa. "I'm better, thanks," Caitlin said and came closer to Barry to give him a hug. as they hugged Barry realized how good Caitlin smelled. "do you have a new perfume?" Barry said after they ended their hug. "oh god, is it that bad" Caitlin said as she turned red in her face because she felt embarrassed. "no it smells like tulips. the best smell I have felt in years" Barry said with a calming voice. Caitlin giggled and Barry did too.

"I just wanted to check if you were okay, u don't need anything?" barry asked as he was ready to go. "actually, I need chocolate," Caitlin said while laughing. barry took his super speed and was back with chocolate after 10 seconds. "there u have ur chocolate" barry said. he handed over the chocolate to Caitlin and she thankfully took it. "well, see you soon I guess" barry awkwardly and weirdly left the room. after he left Caitlin just looked at the floor with a worried look on her face. she was scared because she felt butterflies in her stomach at the moment barry was there. she didn't want to fall for someone who is married.


letter from the author. 2022/11/25

I hope u like the beginning and continue reading. I'm a big snowbarry fan and I won't stop writing until the stories end. follow me on TikTok if u want- olivia_editz_theflash

also, u can tell me wishes for things to happen in the story I read all comments,

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