in a coma...?(08)

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A month later

Barry woke up in his apartment a new morning again. He was about to eat breakfast and then run to the hospital to see Caitlin. She was still in a coma. The worst is that we never know for how long, it could be from days to years. Iris know knew about it and Chester and Allegra too. They were back at Star labs now. As barry made breakfast for himself, someone knocked at his door. He walked up to the door and opened it. It was Iris. "Hey Barry, could we take a little chit-chat?" she asked. "Now?", "yes now please". I nodded and we walked into the living room. We sat on the sofa and she took a deep breath, "I don't understand what's happening, are we really gonna break up and you're gonna get with Caitlin? I thought we were meant for each other and I thought I was your lightning rod, I don't want this to end Barry" she sobbed. Barry had been in love with Iris since forever and he actually ended up with her but, he didn't know what happened and why he would stop loving Iris just like that. "Iris I'm not sure what's happening, I thought we would be forever and ever but I don't know I think I have feelings for both you and Caitlin and me- I don't know what to do about it" Barry explained. Iris nodded and some tears escaped from her eyes "what if she doesn't come back in years, she might not even come back, maybe we can give this a second try and start over, try to fix this and our family?" Iris asked. Barry thought it seemed really convincing, It also made sense. he nodded and gave Iris a hug. Iris smiled and then went to work. He knew he loved Iris, but more as a friend, or sibling, he wasn't really sure yet so it could actually be perfect to give it a second try just to be sure. and Caitlin wasn't really his girlfriend they haven't even had, you know. they were more, about to be something but then she fell into a coma and might not return.

2 hours later (in the hospital room)

Caitlin was very asleep, but she was also getting worse. apparently according to the doctor, she is barely breathing, she breaths less and less every single day, and according to his research she will not be able to breathe, in just a month, and then they can't do anything. Barry gave her a kiss on her forehead as he sobbed because she would probably not make it. He can't lose his best friend, becoming girlfriend and the person that had saved his life, patched him up, and helped him so much since he woke up from a coma. She looked after him when he was in a coma, now he has these feelings he has to do the same in repay, that's the smallest thing he could do. He thought that he didn't want to give up on Caitlin but he did not want to give up his second and probably last chance with iris. And if  Cailin wakes up he will give it a chance. The doctor walked out of the room, and seconds later the doctor's phone got noticed, the phone lay on a chair next to barry. Barry didn't even touch his phone ut he accidentally looked at it just to see what blinked. it was a message.

from Lavosa:

"keep giving her sleeping pills so we can get rid of her, first, we have to take all blood we need and Soon we will get enough blood from her so we can create our own killer frost and I can become her, hopefully, no one will find out she is just sleeping and isn't in a coma. then you can tell everyone she died after we are done.🤣"

Barry didn't want to believe it. The first thing he did was to pick up the doctor's phone to read the messages between him and this Lavosa. Shit, no password?. anyways he clicked on Lavosas name and then message.

December 2022

Lavosa: did you know Caitlin snow works at star labs? Since her twin died last month maybe we could recreate her by getting her DNA, we need Caitlin's snow for that since she literary shared Blood with Killer frost. If I could get enough blood from her i think would be able to develop the blood with chemical impurities and form it inside of me, so I can get my own Killer frost, what do you think?

me: Good idea. I'll visit star labs and make sure she gets sick and has to go to the hospital. what about I put something in her food or anything if she goes to the bathroom or something? then I will be taking "care" of her and making a fake coma, we have to keep her alive by the time we are taking blood, so we can't kill her, yet...

Lavosa: sounds great! this better work. I'm excited.

February 2023

Lavosa: how's it going

me: great, I have two LITER of blood already, soon we have enough I think.

Lavosa: ok good, two-liter is amazing and I think that is enough but you know, it can't be too much blood, let's just take one more liter then we can just kill her

Me:  if I give her too many sleeping pills right now she might die. 

Lavosakeep giving her sleeping pills so we can get rid of her, first, we have to take all blood we need and Soon we will get enough blood from her so we can create our own killer frost and I can become her, hopefully, no one will find out she is just sleeping and isn't in a coma. then you can tell everyone she died after we are done.🤣


Ok, it will get better but I just think I got barry and Caitlin together too fast. If you want any changes or wishes you can just comment. :). TikTok: Olivia_editz_theflash

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