starling city (09)

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Barry picked Caitlin up and ran out of the hospital with her. He ran FAST to star labs and dropped her on a bed. "CISCO, CHESTER, ALLEGRA COME FAST" Barry screamed. They came running into the cortex and Cisco's jaw dropped when he saw Caitlin there. "bRO, WHY is Caitlin here, she should be in the hospital" Cisco walked closer to make sure she wasn't awake or something. She wasn't. "the doctor is evil and she lost a lot of blood, what do we do" Barry explained. Cisco got more serious now. "we have to give some of our blood to her. who is willing to help with that?" Cisco asked. Barry and Allegra raised their hands. Cisco nodded and left the room to get the things they needed. they got everything ready while Cisco got the things. "what happened Barry, what do you mean he is evil" Allegra asked. "well I saw his message with someone named Lavosa and they planned to take a lot of blood from Caitlin to create their own killer frost,  I don't know why but then when they had enough blood they would kill her, she has already lost 2 liters of blood and she wasn't even in a coma, they keep giving her sleeping pills which could kill her if she gets too much. they know she works here and will probably soon come" Barry explained to Allegra and Chester. they looked like they were some small scared puppies. "Damn, she can't stay here long," Chester said. "I know, we can give her some blood and then we can take her to starling city. Felicity and Oliver will take good care of her" Barry said. Cisco came into the room and started to get things ready. 

1 hour later

"she is supposed to wake up soon" Cisco explained before Barry ran out with Caitlin to starling city. Everything went well and they could feel Caitlin's pulse. Barry was outside Felicity's apartment and knocked on her door. he held Caitlin in his arms. Felicity didn't open the door, so he knocked again. Barry heard sounds coming from Felicity's apartment so he knew she was inside. Barry decided to phase inside. He searched for Felicity and ran to her bedroom at human speed. He opened her bedroom door and his jaw dropped. Yeah, Felicity and Oliver had some fun under the blanket. Omg. 

"hey guys I'm sorry to interrupt things here but we need some help..." Barry said as he looked down at the floor.

"oh my gosh," Felicity screamed as she got off Oliver and lay on the side,  the blanket covering her.

"good timing man," Oliver said. 

"Yeah sorry about that, I didn't mean to interrupt anything but I need your help," Barry said. He still looked down at the floor because he felt so embarrassed.

Felicity took a deep breath. He better come up with a good reason She thought. 

Oliver walked up from the bed. He had boxers on. He walked up to Barry and realized that Caitlin was asleep, in his arms. 

"What's happening," Oliver asked thoughtfully.

Felicity fast walked up to her wardrobe with the blanket around her body. She took on some Clothes and walked up to Barry and Oliver.

"She lost a lot of blood and people are searching for her to get more of it. We think. It's better to be sure and let her stay here in Starling City. She is supposed to wake up soon. Is it okay if she can stay here for some weeks?" Barry took a fast explanation. 

Oliver got even more confused.

"Who wants blood from her, and why?" Oliver asked and raised his eyebrows.

"Well her doctor and someone named Lavosa faked her coma, They want to create their own killer frost and raise her by getting Caitlin's Dna which still has some of Frost's inside of her. They took at least 2 liters of blood from her but we gave her new. She also Has been given a lot of sleeping pills, I heard they would kill her when they are done with her. we have to protect her from these people" Barry explained. He took Caitlin to Felicity's bed and dropped her carefully on the bed.

Felicity started to talk... "We will take good care of her, we are gonna make sure nothing happens to her, we are telling you if she wakes up and you can come and take her back when it's safe enough" 

Barry gave her a fast hug "thanks so much" before he ran Back to Central City.

Central city, Star labs

Iris watched when Cisco and Chester played Fortnite, which was pretty boring but then she felt a wind blow through her hair. Barry was here.

"I got Caitlin to safety, what do we do now," Barry asked. he sounded breathless.

Iris walked up to Barry and kissed him on his cheek. 

"thank god you are here, I just heard what happened with Caitlin and honestly I'm so scared about what is gonna happen," Iris told him. 

seconds later the fire alarm went on. and the whole building was shaking. 

"what the hell was that" cisco screamed. 

"Cisco, lock all doors that lead into this room. It's not fire in the building, it's probably Lavosa and the doctor" Barry told Cisco as he picked up Iris in his arms and hid her in a closet. Barry heard a loud sound coming from outside the cortex. 

"Hey I know you found out about our little secret but we don't know how. give us Caitlin snow so the rest of you doesn't have to die tonight" 

the flash team heard a women's voice telling. Something wasn't right. they had more blood than they needed so Caitlin is now useless to them. We have to find some puzzle pieces in this story.

"I know you are inside of here"

the woman's voice continued. she was inside star labs but the doors to the cortex were locked so hopefully she wouldn't get inside

"Why would you need Caitlin"

Barry screamed out in anger.

"so you don't know the full story, haha okay so we don't need more of her blood anymore but I'm gonna explain things to you now that you won't understand. there is a book for the people who worships the devil. He can bring people back to life if you do as he says. you are such a dummy, isn't it obvious we have to sacrifice her to make it happen?" 

barry got confused. 
"why would you need her blood then?"

barry asked. The woman continued...

"so we can recreate frost inside of me. otherwise, it won't work. but we need her so that we can kill her" The woman screamed out in anger. she continued

"if you are not gonna tell me where she is, I have to find out by myself I guess."

she left star labs and started to search for Caitlin.


as I said it will be better. I have vacation until Sunday so I have some more time to write on.

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