back in Central City (12)

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next morning

Caitlin woke up by the sound of people talking, Barry was asleep beside her on the sand. yesterday the last thing they did was watch the sunset from the beach. they must have fallen asleep. 

"Barry, wake up, people are staring at us" Caitlin tried to wake him up, as she shook his shoulders.

Barry did a moaning sound, obviously, he doesn't want to get up. 

"Barry people are staring at us we have to get out of here" Caitlin shook him harder this time. 

Barry opened his eyes seeing he isn't in his bed. He looked around seeing at least 10 people around them with worried looks on their faces. 

"ça va, tu as besoin d'aide ?" someone asked. 

"What, we don't understand," Barry said. Caitlin looked confused

"ça va, tu as besoin d'aide ?" the girl said again but this time slower and doing signs with her hands.

Barry and Caitlin were speechless and unsure how to react as they couldn't comprehend the girl's words.

Barry picked up Caitlin and ran back to Central City. 


Central City

"good morning my love," Barry said to Caitlin as he put her down on her couch in her apartment.

"That was a great beginning of a new day, don't you think" she replied in a jokey way.

"couldn't be better"

Barry checked the clock, it was 3 am in the central city, and in French, it was already morning. 

"looks like we can sleep a little longer," Barry said pointing at the clock

a smile appeared on Caitlin's face

"or..." she said pulling Barry to her lips, he instantly kissed her back and Caitlin pulled him on top of her. Caitlin felt his arms coming under her shirt, she took it right off, and Barry helped her rip off her clothes. and then Barry took off his shirt and the rest of his clothes. still connecting their lips.

"let me take you to the bed" he whispered as he ran them to the bedroom. 

They made love the rest of the night. 

a couple of hours later

"what do we do now" Caitlin whispered as she lay in Barry's arms.

"We could always go again" He responds starting to kiss Caitlin.

she felt his tongue under her bottom lip. She kisses him back but then remembers that Barry has to get to work and she wants to help the others in the team to find out more about Lavosa. 

"Barry we don't have time for this, the clock is already 7. But... I'm going to take a shower, you could join if you want to" She says getting up from bed. 

Barry's eyes started to glow and he followed Caitlin to the bathroom.

at Starlabs

Caitlin and Barry walked into star labs together finding Cisco and Chester talking about something in the cortex.

"WhatsUp,"  Caitlin asks Chester and Cisco as she and Barry walk in. 

"We were just talking about some research I did on Lavosa yesterday and... Caitlin why are you back here, you should be in starling city!" Cisco answers coming closer to Caitlin.

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