*den lila fläcken* (07)

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iris had been sleeping over at joe's house for the past week and Caitlin had been sleeping over at barry and iris' apartment. Caitlin always had a bad conscience for what she had done to Iris and she couldn't stop thinking about it. she imagined iris taking over Ronnie in case he was still around and she would be devastated. and now she's taking iris's apartment too? it was not possible to live like this and feel guilty all the time. Caitlin had most of her things in barry's apartment but she doesn't sleep there every night so she has a few things in her apartment. barry and Caitlin sat on the sofa watching tv. it was late at night and they just lay there hugging. "I never want to let you go" barry whispered and started to tickle Caitlin. "hahaha stop, stop hahaha barry!" she took her glass of water that was on the tv table and threw the water in barry's face. she laughed and ran away to hide because he would probably get revenge. she was right. the next second he was standing in front of her. "cheater" Caitlin screamed out. barry kissed her and ran with both of them to bed so they could sleep. in the morning the next day, Caitlin had gotten up earlier than usual to make breakfast for them. waffles with Nutella and pancakes and cream and strawberries. she had also lit some candles so it would be nice. she had also put on a nice dark blue dress and put her hair up. she ate some mint tablets and went to the bathroom. she flushed the toilet and went to the sink to wash her hands, she must have woken barry because she heard him wake up and start to get dressed. she would just put on some mascara before breakfast. barry walked into the bathroom and gave Caitlin a hug from behind. "you don't even need to wear makeup, you're gorgeous without it" barry said. he looked really tired. "I made breakfast for us," Caitlin said. "for real? what did u make" barry asked. he kissed her on the forehead before using the toilet. "a nice one" Caitlin walked out from the bathroom, and she sat down on a chair. barry came out seconds later, he dropped his jaw, iris never did such a nice breakfast. "Cait, this is perfect" he gave her a fast kiss on her head and they started to eat. they talked about so much, almost everything about their lives. "I wish I had a good relation with my mother, like u and ur father had," Caitlin said. "your mother loves you, you know that right?" barry answered. Caitlin knew it was true. "Barry I feel really bad, can you help me to the toilet?"Caitlin screamed out. she felt like she was dying. barry used his superspeed to help her and she threw up in the toilet. he held her hair. "how are you Cait, what happened" barry asked really worried. she turned around when she stopped and threw up. she gave him a grin like she was scared, then she passed out. Barry ran her to the hospital as fast as he could. he noticed her skin turning purple. when they were at the hospital the doctors tried to help her but they couldn't. Barry sat and waited in a waiting room to get answers. he called Caitlin's mother and everyone from star labs except iris, to tell them what happened. cisco and Caitlin's mother came to the hospital immediately. "Bro what happened," cisco asked, he started to cry. barry answered, "We were eating breakfast and then she threw up and then she just passed out," barry said. now his eyes were filled with tears too. Caitlin's mother is really cold and almost never shows her emotions but you could see on her face she was worried. "her skin turned purple" barry said. Caitlin's mother looked like she knew something, but she kept quiet. "what can cause purple skin?" cisco asked. this time Caitlin's mother, Carla said something. "it could be *d l f*  which means den lila fläcken, it's Swedish and means the purple spot, It's really rare to get but her father had it before we met and it's... deadly" cisco and barry got the serious face. "how do we save her" cisco said. Carla bit her lip "you need to make a cure, frost was meant to protect Caitlin from this stuff but you know... anyways her body turns purple because it's a difficult rare sort of poison inside of her, in her whole body because from the start the poison was a cell but when it gets in contact with too much of the sun it's trigging the poison out of the cell. but there is no cure yet since just a few people are suffering from this" Carla said. Barry got panicked. "but how did her father survive?" he was asking. Carla looked down at the floor and then right back into his eyes. "he created his own *frost* but that didn't turn out good, did it" barry were just quiet he didn't know what to do. "could it be any other way to survive you think?" he asked Carla. she nodded. "yes pain reliever medicine but she has to fight a lot tho".. the doctor opened the door and let them in to see Caitlin. by this time her arms were purple and her lips were. Barry ran up to her hospital bed and sat down on the floor, picked up her hands, and held them. he was crying. Cisco noticed that the doctor seemed upset. "will she be ok" Cisco asked. The doctor answered.. "she has the purple spot but we noticed something else was happening in her body, so we checked it and her body fighted the purple spot in 20 minutes and defeated it but there is something else.. her body didn't know the sickness was defeated so her body fighted herself and it turned out bad, she is in a coma" the doctor showed some test results that proves how fast she had defeated the purple spot. "how did she defeat it so fast and easy" carla asked with a worried look on her eyes. the doctor picked up some other papers on some test results which shows some theories of how she did defeat it that fast. "her twin was killer frost right?" the doctor asked. barry corrected him "frost" and then barry said " but why does it matter they were twins" the doctor showed them all the results proving that some of frost is still in her. "can you wake up frost again?" Cisco asked. the doctor started talking about his theories again, "well it's possible we can do it right now but then there's a risk that caitlin won't wake up" the doctor left the room quickly, probably to get something. cisco and carla walked closer to barry. "what do you think we should do" cisco asked. "I don't think we should raise frost from her, it's frost that keeps her alive as some of her cells are still in her protecting her," barry said. Carla nodded "yeah I agree". the doctor came into the room again. barry didn't like him. there was something fishy about him. "you must go home now, guests are not allowed here after 2 o'clock. they left.  "There is something really weird about that doctor," Cisco said. the doctor was now alone with Caitlin in that room. he had an evil grin on his face and he was holding a big syringe.


I'm sorry, I haven't uploaded a lot. it's school and other stuff. I have so many tests, I have to study 24/7 I'm really sorry. not sure when the next part comes. TikTok: Olivia_editz_theflash and comment anything if u want

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