tension in the air (05)

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"barry, I have to tell you something," Caitlin said all red on her face. barry got a thoughtful look on his face but he knew something wasn't right. "you remember when iris was here helping with the cameras, I didn't want her to see this thing" Caitlin continued, Caitlin sat on the floor and leaned against the wall. Barry followed. "do you want me to show you the video I think I'm ready," Caitlin said looking at him. barry nodded "ok if you feel ready," barry said in a calm tone. Caitlin stood up and walked towards her desk. she held an usb which she plugged into her computer. she went and sat next to barry and handed him the computer, and he pressed on the play. the next thing he saw was him and Caitlin kissing. both Caitlin and barry got red in the face. "I don't remember this," Barry said with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "that's because it's not you, it's that meta human that pretended to be you, remember that?" Caitlin said looking at barry. he had so beautiful eyes. "oh yes I remember, wait he kissed you?" it looked like barry wanted to go and fight him for some reason. "yes he kissed me and I kissed him back because I thought it was you..." Caitlin looked down at the floor because she felt embarrassed and didn't want to look barry in his face. she waited for him to say something. "you liked me?" barry said. his voice was calm and he tried to get eye contact with Caitlin. "if I say this now, will this ruin our friendship?" Caitlin said. now she looked at barry as both of them sat on the floor. "of course, it won't, tell me" barry said. Caitlin took a deep breath and started to talk. "so yeah I liked you back then, I had a big crush on you but then you got iris and I met jay so I got over you but.. my feelings for you are like.. coming back and I tried to avoid them but I can't and I know you are married but I still wanted you to know, I like you barry" barry had no words. he got butterflies in his stomach. they kept staring at each other and they just got closer and closer. barry leaned into Caitlin to kiss her and she kissed him back. they were still sitting on the floor, caitlin sat on barry's lap as they kissed.

they kissed for a while, but nothing more happened. when they stopped kissing both were smiling at each other and Caitlin leaned her head to Barry's stomach, and just lay there. it was quiet for a while, barry massaged Caitlin's hair and she just enjoyed it. she wouldn't believe herself if she said she just made out with flash. her crush since they met. they had been lying on the floor in silence for about 10 minutes but Caitlin broke the silence. "what..will...happen now?" Caitlin whispered. she sat up next to barry so they could talk easier. "Cait, i-i think I love you too but" Caitlin got an angry look on her face and she stood up. "as I thought, this meant nothing to you and you will pretend like this never happened," Caitlin said with an angry voice, she ran to her desk to get her bag and her phone. as she packed all her things to her bag barry screamed out "Cait, I'm so sorry, it's not like that" barry stood up and walked up to Caitlin. she was furious. "it's like every guy I meet is a jerk, the only one that wasn't... died, twice" she screamed out, and she continued "this was a big mistake" barry just realized what he did and that he wants to be with her. Caitlin ran out of the cortex with her bag and barry ran after. he ran with his superspeed, stood in front of Caitlin, and kissed her. Caitlin was really surprised but she was still angry. barry wanted to arrange everything and follow his heart. "I want to be with you Cait, you are the only one I want to be with".  Caitlin stood there not knowing how to react. then she saw someone standing behind barry. barry saw how Caitlin checked behind him, she had a worried look on her face. Barry turned around. there stood iris with her mouth open. tears in her eyes and her bag on the floor.


Dear readers, the next episode will be drama, love hate, and more, also cisco is coming back in the next chapter! but it's already out as I promised. if you have any ideas on how to make the story better, comment. thanks for reading, also the pic is from google 

follow me on TikTok if you want, olivia_editz_theflash.

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