what just happened?...(04)

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Barry was in shock. what if he and Caitlin had? Oh no. he took off the covers. he was wearing his pants and a t-shirt. he wasn't sure if he should wake Caitlin or not. but the first thing he did was take his phone that was in his back pocket and listened to all of the iris's voice messages. she was really sad, and upset. barry messaged back *I'm ok, sorry for not answering* so she didn't send like the cops to find him. he just quickly got up and borrowed Caitlin's bathroom and quickly came back. then Caitlin's eyes were open and she sat up. she definitely had no clothes on, just her underwear. but the quilt covered her entire body. barry made eye contact with Caitlin and both had shocked and worried looks on their faces. "did we.." barry started but Caitlin continued "no I don't think so, all I remember was you ran home with me and I asked you to stay for a while then I fell asleep and I guess you did too" Caitlin tried to explain . "phew, I could never live with knowing that I had cheated on someone" barry said, getting less panic. "but maybe we should check the cameras to be sure" Caitlin said, barry nodded. Caitlin stood up and just then she saw that she was only wearing her underwear. she was a little red in the face but she was quick to jump back into bed to hide her. barry went to her kitchen while she was getting dressed. when she was dressed they went into Caitlin's living room where she has all her camera files on her computer. it was just like Caitlin said and nothing had happened that night. Barry gave Caitlin a hug and said "thank you" he hugged her tight for quite a while then he ran home to iris because he knew they needed to talk. barry came home with tears in his eyes. both iris and joe were sitting on the couch now and they looked furious. "where have you been" joe screamed. barry quickly looked down at the floor and then at them again. "I had dinner with Caitlin I got drunk and I fell asleep at her house," barry said sitting on the couch to continue the conversation. "so I'm very very sorry about that" barry continued. barry looked at iris, a tear escaping from her eye." but.. you slept there, you didn't cheat right" iris asked. you could hear in her voice that she was sad. "no" barry answered fast and gave iris a hug. iris hugged him back. she believed him. iris wanted to yell at him, hit him, and kiss him but she wanted to wait for that later, she was just happy that he was ok and didn't want to yell at him this second. also both he and iris had to work this day. both of them vent to work. when barry walked into the cortex he found Caitlin already sitting there. she had so perfect Wavy hair. barry could have stared at her for hours to find something not nice about her. impossible. anyway, he went to his desk and started working. it wasn't very tense between them. there was more electricity. like they wanted to be close to each other. suddenly the star labs job phone rang and Caitlin answered. "hey guys, I'm on vacation and thought I'd visit you for a few days if that's okay" the caller said. the voice was familiar. it was cisco's. "yes of course" Caitlin replied and a new smile formed on her face. "well, I'm coming in 2 days then," cisco said and laughed because he is happy to meet his friends. this would be the first time they met after he moved. barry and Caitlin slowly walked up to each other and hugged. as they hugged barry started fiddling with Caitlin's hair that hung from her head down her back. it started to stiffen after both realized what they were doing. that was more of a loving hug than a friendly one. but Caitlin broke the stiff mood, "it will be fun to meet cisco after this year, and tell him what team flash has been working on for the past year" she broke the hug as she said it, to make it less weird to break the hug. "I agree, he won't believe us when we say it," barry said, right now they just stood there staring at each other talking about random stuff, old metahumans, and stuff like that. Caitlin and barry could both feel butterflies in their stomachs. "barry, I have to tell you something" Caitlin said all red on her face. 


Dear readers, I haven't posted in a while since it was Christmas yesterday and I'm sorry, that's why I will be posting 2 chapters on the same day, on Sunday or earlier. the episodes will be many emotions and they will be really fun to Write. follow me on TikTok if ya want, olivia_editz_theflash. and also I'm sorry this episode was a short one and that it wasn't so well written. The next episode will be better, I promise <3

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