what feelings is it?(02)

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Barry was at STAR labs early in the morning since he had to do extra work because he is the only one at work today. Barry thought it was so quiet and boring so he put away his work for just some minutes to do something funnier. that still was important. he checked the security cameras from the last week. nothing special came up so he just continued with work. around 11 am Caitlin came in. she wore a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. "what are you doing here?" Barry asked confused. "I feel better today after the chocolate yesterday," she said laughing. actually, her stomach still hurt but not so much that she had to stay home.

" Are you sure?" barry asked to make sure she was better

"yeah," Caitlin said and sat down on her chair.

Barry smiled at Caitlin and she smiled back. it was for a while. then Caitlin got a serious look on her face and barry noticed it. "Cait is something wrong," Barry said, he looked ready to jump pf his chair and hug her if she needed to. Caitlin bit her lips and she answered, "yes I'm alright I just got a flashback" Caitlin said and continued with work. what she told him was true. she got a flashback from years ago when she fell in love with barry. now he can't get out of her head and that made her irritated. she didn't want to be in love with someone who was married. Barry starred at Caitlin because he still doesn't get what was wrong. what flashbacks could it be? with Ronnie? barry thought. he wanted to make her feel better.

"hey, Cait," barry said ready to continue talking

"yes, barry, what do you want?" Caitlin asked still biting her lips.

"you maybe wanna go on jitters" barry looked at her and he really hoped she would say yes. he couldn't see Caitlin sad. Caitlin answered but she didn't look at him. she didn't make any facial expressions. "sure, in like 2 weeks or 3 or when were u planning that" Caitlin said. still no facial expression. "now maybe" barry said as he thought she would say that it was too much work. Caitlin finally made some facial expressions. she looked really surprised but she answered fast. "umhhh like now, now?" Caitlin asked. "yes, now now," barry said waiting for an answer. he walked up from his chair and walked really slowly to Caitlin. before he was there she answered "okay, let it be fast please" she said. Barry took his superspeed and ran to jitters with Caitlin in his arms. as they were outside jitters barry was in flash time. he wasn't sure why he did go in flash time but what he did was only stare at Caitlin as she looked him in the eyes. she never blinked since it actually haven't passed any seconds. yet. Barry shook his head like he wanted to ask himself what the fuck he was doing.

he went out from flash time and ran into jitters. he sat Caitlin in a big soft chair. Barry sat in front of her in an identical chair. both of them just got some coffee and talked a bit. "thank you barry, I think this is really cozy, we should do this more often, maybe get dinner tomorrow?" Caitlin said in a calming voice as she smiled at barry. but then she stopped smiling. "or uhm it doesn't matter," she said looking away from barry immediately. she was trying to avoid some feelings but she wasn't sure what feeling it was. "I would love to take dinner with you tomorrow, Cait" Barry answered. Caitlin knew he just wanted to do the dinner as friends but she didn't even know why she asked. it slipped out of her mouth. Both Barry and Caitlin stared at each other for a while but then the sound from the tv broke their eye contact. "we should go back to work" barry said. Caitlin nodded so barry ran back to STARlabs with Caitlin in his arms. Caitlin fast ran out of his arms and ran to her desk when they were in the cortex. barry noticed it and asked "what was that for?" barry stared at Caitlin for a while. "what do you mean?" Caitlin asked as if nothing had happened. Barry gave up because he knew she wouldn't tell him from the looks of her eyes.


5 hours later


both barry and Caitlin had worked double and it was time to go home and get some sleep. the clock wasn't more than 6 pm but they were really tired. "I'll go home now, ok?" barry said to Caitlin as he picked up his bag. "yeah, I think I also go home now," Caitlin said and closed her computer. when barry came home iris had made a HUGE dinner. the whole dinner table was full of different food. the food he loved. Barry was so tired but he couldn't just go to sleep after iris had worked and made so much food. the food didn't look so good but she was never really good in the kitchen. but it smelled delicious. "did u do all this for me," barry asked in a calming voice as he walked to iris and gave her a hug from her back. "you deserve it after all the work today" iris answered. they ate for hours but then they choose to go to sleep since barry was exhausted. he fell asleep really fast and iris gave him a kiss on his forehead before she tried to sleep.


letter from the author

sorry for posting this episode so late. I have been busy with school but I promise the next part will be posted on Saturday next week at the latest. thx for reading and if u have any wishes just comment. <3

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