who or what is she(13)

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next day

team flash still doesn't know what Lavosa and this doctor did at Caitlin's apartment. They are searching for her, but her apartment is unsafe right now.

Caitlin woke up because her back hurt and she had a headache. She opened her eyes, seeing she wasn't in her apartment, not Felicity's. Yeah, she had been sleeping on Allegra's couch which was uncomfortable. 

"good morning Caitlin, how are you?" Allegra asked walking into the living room.

"I'm fine, I have a little headache that's all" Caitlin answered, she got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"did you dream about anything special tonight," Allegra asked, which Caitlin thought was a weird question

"um not something special, just the same dream every night"

"Tell me about it," Allegra said. she seemed so interested for some reason. Caitlin frowned.

"since when did you get so interested in dreams?" Caitlin asked Allegra

"I heard of lucid dreams and it seemed interesting, and I want to know more about dreams and learn how to lucid dream" Allegra answered starting to eat her apple

"So now tell me, what have you dreamed about so many nights?" Allegra continued.

"It's a bit frightening to me, but the dream always begins with me kissing a handsome boy. We head to a park in Central City, but then a boy and a girl approach us. The boy is tall and has light hair, while the girl has short, purple hair. Suddenly, the girl drags the handsome boy out of the park while the two of us stay behind. The boy sits beside me and speaks, but I can't recall what he says. He pulls out a syringe from his bag and injects me with it. After that, everything goes dark and I wake up from the dream."

Allegra frowns.

"Oh, how many days have you dreamed this dream?" Allegra asked

"well, since I woke up in Felicity's apartment the first time"

"it must be a message somehow"

"Maybe, I don't know, but I'm going to work now," Caitlin says walking out from the kitchen

"Already? The clock is only 6 in the morning" Allegra says loud enough for Caitlin to hear.


at star labs

Caitlin is first there, like always, the other ones usually come around 10 am. She started to go through some paper works, and after around 30 minutes she hears footsteps. She feels her heart beat faster as she thinks it is Lavosa. Caitlin picks up a sharp pencil because that is the only thing she can protect herself with

 seconds later she sees Barry walking in. 

"oh come on, stop scaring me, why are you here so early," Caitlin says calming down.

"I'm here this early because you are here this early," Barry says taking a seat.

"still doesn't make any sense" 

"I have to protect you, you can't be here alone," Barry says hugging her. 

"I can protect myself," Caitlin says

"With a pencil?" Barry says as he frowns causing both of them to laugh

Caitlin gives Barry a quick kiss and then returns to the paperwork.

"When do you think the other ones come?" Barry asks.

"in some hours," Caitlin says not looking up.

"do you want some help with that," Barry says pointing at the papers.

"yes please," she says back.

Barry finished all the work in just some seconds.

"there you go," he says grabbing Caitlin's waits kissing her.

"Barry someone might see us"

"I missed you yesterday, I missed you very very much..." Barry said in a flirty way.

they locked their eyes on each other's and came closer and closer.

The two began kissing softly, but Barry soon moved down to Caitlin's neck. Causing Caitlin to undress,  and allow Barry to continue down to her chest. As he sucked her skin, Caitlin couldn't help but moan in pleasure. They remained lip-locked as Caitlin sat on her desk and Barry stood between her legs. causing all the papers on her desk to become a mess.

they definitely made loud sounds and they left many bruises on each other.

Caitlin felt his lips touching her tongue. Barry picked up Caitlin still connecting their lips, Caitlin felt one of his hands coming to her chest and then the hand moved again, down, she moaned in pleasure as he explored her body.

when he stopped she moaned


 Barry put his hand, covering her mouth

"shh, listen" he whispers

Caitlin heard footsteps coming closer.

Caitlin and Barry looked at each other in a panic not knowing what to do, they were standing naked.

they hid behind the desk. still undressed


someone walked in, they couldn't see who it was though.

the person started to make a mess, she went through all papers and stuff they had. Barry went into flash time, he had to see who it was. As he is in flash time he put on clothes, and he sees this woman standing in the room, holding what looks like a gun. Barry puts on his suit. and goes out of flash time.

"Who are you and what do you want" Flash screams at the woman

"I'm Lavosa, I'm searching for your friend, Caitlin Snow. I know that she is back in Central City"

"what the hell do you want from her, you got all you needed, didn't you?" 

Lavosa started to fade away, becoming invisible. whispering- "help me".

before Barry could react she was already gone. 

Caitlin came up to Barry after putting her clothes on.

"Barry what happened"

"I'm not sure, you think she like...died?" 

"I-I'm not sure. maybe she is from the future and changed the timeline so that she gets deleted from existence?"

"but she isn't a speedster"

"Maybe she was, and lost her speed so that she couldn't get back, but for what reason would she come here in the first place, and why does she want to create her own killer frost? it doesn't make any sense"

"Cait, maybe she is evil and wants Frost's power?"

"yes but-" Caitlin started but got interrupted by Lavosa fading in and out of existence.




"I need¨"

"your help"

Lavosa said, as she liked, lagged.

"what more do you want from me!" Caitlin yelled at her.

Lavosa grabbed Caitlin's arm and faded away with Caitlin.

"CAITLIN!!!" Barry screamed as he tried to understand the situation. Barry knows well that Lavosa has no problems with killing. But he knows very well that Caitlin is strong and she will make it out of wherever she is.

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