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The next day, Barry woke up in bed with Iris beside him. Things started to get back to normal. He checked his phone and he had gotten a new message from felicity 



she is awake!


Barry smiled as he started to text her back. He wasn't sure what he was going to write but it ended up with this. "amazingly, ill be there soon". Barry left iris asleep in their bed as he ran to starling city.

When Barry entered Felicity's apartment he saw Caitlin sitting on the couch watching tv with felicity and Oliver, she also ate yogurt. She seemed to be okay. Then she got her eyes on me and ran up to me, hugging me. 

"Ur awake, how are you?"

"I'm better, I just have a big headache ...and I missed you"

"Caitlin I have to talk to you..."

"yes?" Caitlin answered looking a little bit scared

"you have to stay in starling city so that those evil people don't find you, felicity told you about them, right?

Caitlin nodded. 

"is it something else bothering you, you looked stressed out," Caitlin asked

"yea, there is kinda... something"

"tell me"

"I love you so much Caitlin I have to admit, I loved how you used to sleep at my place so I didn't have to be alone and I love having you around. I kinda made a promise to Iris tho..."

"Okay, so what did you promise her?" Caitlin asked with a curious look

"I kinda promised her that she and I would give it a second try, you know work things out but I think I'm pretty sure now, I want to be with you Caitlin, I'm in love"

Caitlin didn't know what to feel, the words telling her that he loved her made her heart warm but on the other hand, she wouldn't be able to be friends with iris again. Caitlin had to choose, love or friendship.

She didn't think, she grabbed Barry's face, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him. as their lip touched each other,  barry took his hands and placed them on her hips. they started to make out... before they got interrupted.

"don't forget that we are here" they could hear Oliver saying

"wow," felicity said as her jaw dropped in shock.

Barry and Caitlin got off each other fast. Felicity and Oliver walked out of their apartment

"We didn't see anything, we are leaving, be back in a few hours," Felicity said as she dragged Oliver out. leaving Barry and Caitlin alone

"I forgive you," Caitlin said.

Barry went in for a second kiss, he felt Caitlin's tongue touches his. He went down and started to suck her neck, leaving bruises. 

some minutes later they sat on the sofa and started watching a movie since Caitlin wasn't fully recovered yet. 

"what movie is this" Caitlin asked

"It's a horror movie, called psycho" Barry answered.

"oh okay, can you get some snacks we can eat while watching it?" 


Barry came back seconds later with some chips plus chocolate for Caitlin.

20 minutes later

Barry noticed how Caitlin always tried to look at the floor to avoid watching the movie.

"Are you ok" Barry finally asked

"yeah sorry, I'm pretty silly," Caitlin answered as she looked up. 

"no it's okay, come here," Barry said making Caitlin sit closer to him as his arm was around her neck.

Caitlin screamed and jumped on his chest a couple of times. After a while, she stopped watching the movie because she got stuck staring at Barry's eyes. When he noticed, he also just looked straight into her eyes. 

Ring Ring

barry's phone rang and interrupted them

"Barry where are you" Caitlin and barry could hear Iris's voice asking

"I'm in starling city, checking on Caitlin since she woke up"

"Caitlin woke up?"

"yeah, so I thought I would stay here with her til Felicity and Oliver comes back"

"Oh, um yeah alright, I just thought we were gonna go to jitters together this morning," Iris said sounding a little bit jealous

"We can do that tomorrow, Caitlin has to be safe, and I think that is more important right now"

Barry said. it got quiet so Barry thought iris hang up.

"Hello, Iris?"


"so, tomorrow instead?"


Iris sounded mad, jealous, and irritated, isn't it a good thing that Caitlin woke up and that she Is better?

"What did she want?" Caitlin asked 

"She just wondered where I am, we had plans but I'm gonna stay here"

"Are you sure?" Caitlin said sounding happy

"never been more sure," Barry said, smiling like hell.

Then he started to look sad.

"Are you okay Barry? Caitlin asked.

"It's just that I am such a jerk, to both you and iris and I don't know what to do anymore, I keep promising people things I can't even keep, I don't know what to tell iris" Barry explained. 

tears formed in his eyes, he tried to hide them but when Caitlin hugged him, they escaped and he started to break down and he started crying, loudly.

"what is wrong with me Caitlin?" He asked as he cried on her shoulder. 

"Barry nothing is wrong with you, people make mistakes," Caitlin said and continued...

"you know what let's see what happens, you should make sure for her that you are in a bubble where you are unsure about what you want, and she has to give you some time, and then we can see what will happen between us if something will happen"

 Caitlin tried to make Barry feel better. Barry rubbed the tears and gave Caitlin a soft hug. they stayed hugged for a long time.

"And barry about the earlier kiss this morning, if you want we can just forget it... if you need time to think..." Caitlin said still hugging Barry.

"I don't want to forget that, you are an amazing kisser," Barry said still hugging Caitlin. 

His nose touched her beautiful, good-smelling hair. His arms were around her waist as they hugged, he started to move his hands up to her hair and started to massage it. His hand was now moving again, to her cheeks and his head followed so he could see her beautiful face.

Caitlin knew how this was gonna end, they were about to make out.

Barry's lips slowly met Caitlin's and she put her arms around his neck. their tongues met a couple of times and it started to get heated. Caitlin pulled off Barry's shirt and seconds later  Barry moved his hand a third time down under Caitlin's shirt.

she took off her clothes and so did barry. 

Caitlin didn't think it would go this far since they never really fucked before but... she enjoyed it ;)


dirty ik hahaha but anyways you are free to comment, please leave a vote so I can update faster! at least at the end of this week :) 

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