2 weeks later (17)

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At Joes funeral

"my dad" Iris begins holding her speech.

"my dad was my absolute favorite person, he has always been my number one. As a little kid, he would always read for me and kiss me goodnight every single night. on my birthdays I always got princess treatments, he treated me like gold. And not only me, every person he was close to knows what kind of father he was, but he wasn't only a father, he was someone's best friend, someone's favorite person, someone's safe-place, someone's husband, and much more. The last thing my dad said to me was that he loved me and that I was going to read this letter for everyone in here, he wrote it in the hospital on his last day on earth, Hey everyone, my name is Joe, but everyone already knows that so I'm going to say what I want to have said. I have lived a long life, a great one as well. I know I haven't said goodbye to everyone sitting here listening to my daughter reading this so to everyone who didn't get a goodbye from me, goodbye. I want all of you to make sure my kiddos, Iris, Walley, and Barry will be safe, please take care of them, they were the most important thing to me. cecile, thank you so much for the best last years of my life, I can't believe I'm leaving you already, even though I'll always take a place in your heart. I have written in a diary the last days in the hospital, more personal letters to the closest people in my life. My daughter Iris will hand them out now, but before I go don't forget I love you all and I'm saying goodbye one last time, I hope I don't see any of you too soon ;). Also, don't cry"

the people start laughing after the last sentence, though Barry and Iris still cry. 

"I'm going to give out the letters from my father now," Iris announced, her voice steady despite the emotions swirling within her.One by one, she handed out the letters to those mentioned by her father. As each recipient received their letter, emotions ranging from surprise to gratitude painted their expressions.

"I didn't think I was going to get a letter" Caitlin admitted, a soft smile gracing her lips as she held the envelope in her hands.

"I'm glad you did," Barry replied, his voice thick with emotion. "And I'm glad I did too, to get a real goodbye."

Barry reads his letter out loudly so Caitlin also hears what It says.

Barry, I am so glad that I can call you my son, you have always been my son by heart and I have always loved you unconditionally, I know you didn't get to say goodbye to me and I understand why. Iris told me you two had broken up and you probably didn't know I was in the hospital, Even though you and Iris are not together anymore I hope you can still be her sister and comfort her after I've passed. I always knew you two weren't soulmates, you made a great couple for some years but that's in the past now I have seen the way you're looking at Caitlin. I did wish I could meet your future kids (my grandkids) before passing but I'll leave it to the imagination. I'm so proud of you Barry you couldn't tell. You're not only a hero who has saved my life multiple times, you also saved my soul, don't think of me too much because you know I'm always with you and I do support you. i know it sounds weird but I'm lowkey glad your parents were taken away from you, only because I got to take care of you as my child. I love you Barry forever and ever. take care, Joe

Barry's eyes brighten up and he smiles at the letter.

"how did he know about us, Caitlin"

"I have no idea, we are not even officially a couple yet, are we even a couple like what are we, we mostly just fuck and comfort each other, though I know I love you deep down."

"I have been thinking about this for a time, and I want to ask If you want to be my girlfriend, we can get a new apartment and create a place for us own and make memories with each other."

Caitlin's heart skipped a beat, her gaze locking with Barry's as she searched his eyes for sincerity.

"Are you sure this is what you want Barry, because I'm really not planning on being played or getting dumped after a week or anything like that, I date to marry, Barry."

Barry nodded, his gaze unwavering

"100% sure, we should probably wait to tell the others though since Joe just passed, and it's just the wrong time"

A smile spread across Caitlin's face, her heart swelling with warmth

"I agree Barry. I love you, I'm glad to identify as Barry's girlfriend, I couldn't be happier." 

at caitlins apartment

Barry collapsed into bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on his eyelids as he drifted into a deep slumber. Meanwhile, Caitlin sat in quiet solitude, the letter from Joe cradled gently in her hands.

As she read his words, a soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips, mingling with a hint of sadness and anticipation. Joe's keen observations about her feelings for Barry struck a chord within her, validating the emotions she had kept hidden for so long.

"Caitlin," Joe's words echoed in her mind, his voice a comforting presence in the quiet of the room. "It's your time now."

it was like Joe was there, speaking right to her, she could literally hear him.

A rush of emotions swept over Caitlin as she pondered Joe's heartfelt message. She had watched Barry and Iris's love story unfold from the sidelines, her own feelings buried beneath a facade of friendship. But now, with Joe's blessing and encouragement, she felt a newfound sense of courage and hope blossoming within her.

"I can't wait to see what this new life has for me," Caitlin whispered to herself, her heart brimming with anticipation for the journey ahead. she lays down beside Barry in bed and hugs him tight. 


I'm not sure how to continue this story, I'm thinking of making at least 10 chapters more at least. we'll see how it ends up :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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