confusing feelings (03)

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Caitlin woke up this morning earlier than normal (6 am). today was the day she would have dinner with barry. and in the middle of the day, she would have a girl meet with felicity and iris. the rest of the time would be in star labs with barry. alone. 

8 am, jitters

9 am, star labs

10 am, star labs

11 am, star labs

12pm, star labs

1 pm, at iris place

2 pm, at iris place

3 pm, at iris place

4 pm, star labs

5 pm, star labs

6 pm dinner with barry


at 6 am Caitlin made breakfast and ate really fast. she brushed her teeth and her hair. now it was time to choose clothes. it had to be something special. since she have a girl meeting and dinner with barry. then she picked an outfit of a nice shirt with flowers on with dark blue wide-leg jeans. but she thought it looked weird on her so she picked another outfit. it was a nice lavender-colored tank top with a thin white jacket. she also had a tight white skirt that went down to her knees. she thought it was perfect for the day. after she had chosen her clothes, it was time to do her make-up. she wanted to be pretty but still natural. she applied some concealer under her eyes and filled her lips with red lip gloss. the last thing she did was curl her lashes and put on mascara. and a little highlighter on her nose. it was perfect. now she was ready to get to the jitters and drink coffee and then calmly go to work. she went to get coffee at jitters like normal but she saw an unexpected person there. "barry, what are you doing here?" Caitlin asked as she walked up to barry. "I'm drinking coffee here every day" Barry answered. he blushed. actually, he did go to jitters really often but he knew Caitlin was going there every morning and he wanted to have someone to sit with. he really liked being around Caitlin for some reason. "Barry your never here this time, for real what's up," Caitlin said as she sat down next to barry. she was really confused. "I honestly don't know why I came here now, I guess I wanted to see you?" barry answered with a worried look on his face like he regret saying it. he had a wife. "oh, okay why, is there something with work" Caitlin asked as if it was something normal to say. Barry pretended like it was about work to not be embarrassed. "oh yeah, but you know never mind I forgot" Barry said and started to get out of his chair to leave jitters. "please stay" Caitlin fast said and grabbed his arm. just releasing what she did. "yeah?" barry looked confused. "sorry I just don't want to sit alone it's boring". Barry nodded with a smile and sat down again. Caitlin and barry talked for a while about work and boring stuff like that. "you are really beautiful today" barry complimented Caitlin. She blushed and answered with a quiet "thank you". the clock was 8.45 so both barry and Caitlin went to work, in Caitlin's car since barry can be there in just a second or less. and it was nice to have someone to talk with. Caitlin drove to star labs with barry in the passenger seat. when they were at star labs iris was sitting at Barry's desk looking at his computer. "what are you doing here iris?" barry asked confused. he walked closer to his desk and looked at the computer. she was looking at the security cameras. "I texted u, I will help u since you have extra work and you were so tired yesterday, also I didn't want to mess up with all of your work so I just checked the security cameras," Iris told barry. barry checked his messages and he had 15 missed calls from iris and 9 voice messages, 3 messages by text. "oh I'm sorry iris, but why are u checking the cameras from 2014? " barry asked confused as he took ciscos chair, and sat next to iris. Caitlin just sat at her desk and did her work. " I watched all years, I have been here since 5 am" iris explained. she looked him deeply in the eyes and went in for a kiss. it was a fast one but barry didn't really enjoy it. "ok now I will continue, time for May 2014" Iris said. barry laughed a bit and he took out some paperwork he had to do. from literary nowhere, Caitlin screamed "NOO" and jumped out from her chair. iris and barry looked at each other confused and then looked at Caitlin confused. "what's up with u?" iris asked. Caitlin just looked around the room and just released what a weird thing she just did. "I have already watched that," Caitlin said with a voice like she tried to make iris not watch it. Caitlin went back to her chair and sat down. stiff though. iris replied, "it's okay I'm rewatching everything" and she played all the video clips from May 2014. she had double speed on tho since she didn't expect anything special to happen. Caitlin ran out of the cortex because she knew what would pop up. the old kiss with a fake version of barry.  she just sat down outside the cortex and leaned her whole body against the wall. she started to cry. she was really good friends with both iris and barry and she didn't want that to end. iris immediately paused the video and ran out for Caitlin. barry followed. iris sat down next to Caitlin and hugged her. iris started to wipe away Caitlin's tears and asked what happened. Caitlin started to explain that something happened that night and she didn't want anyone to know and that it was something personality. iris nodded and hugged Caitlin again. barry, iris, and Caitlin went back to the cortex and continued working. some hours later they had worked really much and Caitlin and iris were ready to go and meet felicity at iris's place. "see you later" Caitlin said and waved to barry. "of course" barry replied and smiled to Caitlin as she walked out of the cortex with iris. when they got home felicity was there waiting outside Iris's door. felicity had a white tank top and dark blue skinny jeans, she had a beautiful braid in her hair and she looked stunning. the 3 friends walked into iris's bedroom and started to talk. "so Caitlin, do you meet someone these days" felicity asked Caitlin. it actually made Caitlin a little bit sad. because of Ronnie, jay, and Julian. but she answered. "no". felicity noticed she maybe hurt Caitlin so she asked a follow-up question. "are you in love with someone yet then?". felicity really hoped Caitlin had met a nice guy she could end up with. Caitlin looked to the side. "I don't know yet but I hope I'm not". iris stood up and got a huge smile on her lips. "THIS IS AMAZING" iris screamed and jumped around. she made Caitlin smile but she stopped smiling when she started to think iris wouldn't be that happy if she knew who Caitlin was talking about. after a while iris became a little calmer and they continued talking. Iris and Felicity started to talk about their love and how it was so Caitlin started to think about Barry and what a perfect pair they would be. they were like soulmates. now Caitlin knew. she knew she was in love with barry. damn this can be dangerous. she was aware that she couldn't be with barry because it would be more consequences than what she gained. "do you guys maybe want a sleepover on Saturday to Sunday this week, at my place?" iris asked as she leaned her back to the headboard. both Caitlin and iris nodded. Iris smiled and then got up from the bed and started to search in her desk. she found what she was searching for and then screamed "LET'S PAINT EACHOTHERS TOE NAILS WITH NAIL POLISH" and laughed. felicity and Caitlin almost thought she was drunk. the first iris was going to paint Caitlin's nails. iris chose a color and chose red. a really colour full red, but Caitlin thought it was pretty. while iris was painting her toenails Caitlin started to paint Felicity's nails in a lavender color. it did suit felicity really well. the rest of the day they didn't talk about anything special, just girly things like what makeup they recommend and what hairspray is better. the time passed by and it was time for Caitlin to go back to work, Iris wanted to help more so she followed. felicity took the bus home. when they got back to star labs Barry was sleeping on his desk. Iris took a glass of water and threw it on him. and yes he woke up. it ended up with a whole water fight between all of them, three people just outside the cortex. it wasn't for long just e few minutes before they started to work. Iris sat down with the security cameras again. but what she did wasn't anything special she just watched what happened in the last hours and their epic water fight. that barry won of course. "I'm going to the bathroom," barry said and used his superspeed. he didn't go to the bathroom he ran to a store. he needed to buy a nice perfume for the dinner he would have with Caitlin. he wasn't *in love* with Caitlin but he still wanted to impress her. he sniffed on some perfumes and then he found the perfect one. the one that smelled like a California poppy, a flower. he bought the perfume, put it in his bag, and ran back to star labs. Caitlin sat and draw random stuff on a piece of paper since she was bored and too nervous for the dinner to work. iris usually didn't do these kinds of stuff but she downloaded the document with the camera 2014, mailed it to her phone, and was about to watch it at home. she felt bad for doing this to Caitlin but she told her self not to be different to Caitlin because of what's in the video. the clock was about 5.30 and iris knew about the dinner of course. barry had told her. but Iris wasn't jealous she knew it wasn't a date and that Caitlin never would steal barry from her. iris was so sure about that. so she was just happy. iris told barry she would get home. she got her bag and walked out of the room with a smile. barry used his superspeed and took him and Caitlin to the most beautiful restaurant in Central city, also the most expensive. by the time barry had already changed clothes to a white shirt, with a tie and black pants.  he also had a red rose in his hand. he handed it over to Caitlin and she blushed so much. "Is this for me?" she asked as she put the rose in her hair, and a happy tear fell out from her eye. Barry nodded with a smile. he walked over with Caitlin to the table he had booked. he pulled Caitlin's chair out for her to sit down and she did. barry sat down in his chair and the waiter came over with menus. "what are you going to eat" Caitlin asked with a thoughtful look on her face. there was far too much to choose from. barry looked at the menu and said "I'll probably have the nacho plate, with I think" he looked at Caitlin and she nodded. "then I'll have a kebab plate with a beer" catlin said with a big smile. she fetched the waiter so they could order. since they arrived earlier, they could stay there longer. other guests would arrive at 8 o'clock so they have plenty of time to eat. like 3 hours. they ate and ate and. now it was their turn to go on stage. both of them were drunk so they sang badly they sang *You Are The Reason*

a Song by Calum Scott. it wasn't any of them who had chosen the song, but it was the one who played the music. there were all sorts of colors shining on them and all the other lights were related. it was just them there with a very beautiful song. everyone was looking at them but barry and Caitlin were just looking at each other. their eyes shone with joy. after they had finished singing they had been at the restaurant/bar for about an hour and a half. Iris sat at her house in her bed. she wasn't sure if she should watch the video or not. but she did. she didn't notice anything special until she saw barry kiss her. and she then kissed back. Iris got mad and started panicking. she tried to find an answer to everything which she actually did. she remembered it wasn't the real barry that night. when he was left-handed. so it wasn't barry. but Caitlin thought so?.. everything was spinning in iris's head and she realized that she had dated jay and Julian. so she must have gotten over barry. iris calmed down and waited the rest of the evening for barry to come home. 


next morning


iris had been awake the whole night and called both barry and Caitlin a hundred times. she sat and waited for him on the couch for him to come home. her anger began to turn to worry. barry just woke up. he barely had any memories of what had happened last night. just karaoke and the food nothing more. he just noticed that he wasn't in his bed in his and iris' apartment. he woke up next to Caitlin in her bed. Caitlin was still sleeping.


dear readers,

this is more than a double chapter, I usually write around 1000 words but I'm in more than 2500. the end is so exciting. can't wait to write the next chapter. it will probably be out before Wednesday week 51. maybe tomorrow. I'm home sick today so I have much time to write. The next episode will probably be around 1500 words. follow me on TikTok if you want


love, the author!<3

a later letter, sorry for not posting, I was really sick and slept all day cuz I threw up every time I was awake. and now when I'm back in school I have a lot to catch up on. like tests and things so I have to study so much, I barely get to sleep. I really hope I can post the next chapter before next week. I hope so. thanks for being understanding. I still have a lot to catch up on so I will go study now. bye!<3

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