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in the white room

" How am I supposed to do to bring Frost back?" Caitlin asks nervously.

"There is still a little bit left of frost inside of you, you just have to stay focused and think of Frost, feel her laughter, feel her sadness, feel her excitement to come back"


Caitlin takes a few breaths, she breathes slowly and calmly. She closes her eyes and does just like Lavosa told her to do

"it doesn't work"

"give it some time"

"Sorry," Caitlin  said opening her eyes and stopping trying

"I think it doesn't work because I don't want her to come back"

"what, why "

"I JUST DON'T WANT TO OKAY," Caitlin said getting frustrated.

"girl, chill out a little"

"sorry it's just that I finally found peace after Frost's death, if she returned, she would bring back the old and bad memories, ofc I want her back but I'm not ready. I'm not doing this, there must be another way to get out"

"I don't know, Grandma," Lavosa says sitting down when suddenly it exploded behind her back.

"what is that" Caitlins screams nervously.

"I don't know Grandma, maybe it's our way out!" Lavosa says excitedly.

"omg BARRY!! Lavosa you were right, come on Hurry up"  

Barry reaches his hand out for Caitlin and he is fast enough to make sure Lavosa doesn't come with them. Lavosa is left in the white room now. til she dies.

"WHAT ABOUT LAVOSA?" Caitlin screamed as they are back in the cortex at star labs.

"She is not supposed to be here, she is from the future, and she changed the timeline, she gets deleted out of existence, she will still exist in the future, and she can't harm us anymore, why do you seem to care so much about her?"


"damn, sorry Caitlin, i-i, she, she wanted to kill us"

"she didn't want to barry, she never wanted to kill us, we have been thinking wrong in this case. shes a good person"

"I don't understand"

"Lavosa is my granddaughter from the future and she came here to meet Frost a couple of years ago, she had no friends, she was bullied, and she had heard about Frost and how amazing she is, she wanted a friend, but the negative speed force got into her and she was manipulated by it"

"so your granddaughter is a speedster, which means you're marrying a speedster," Joe said looking at Barry

"it could also be my child marrying a speedster Joe"

"oh, that's true"

"Can we just take her back, do the thing you guys did to bring me back, and bring her back!"

"We can't, cait,"

"I'm going home, I'm too tired for arguments"

"Should I follow," Barry asks taking her hand

"No I'm fine, see you at work tomorrow," Caitlin says back sweetly.

she knew they just wanted to protect her and she couldn't be angry at them.

 she walked home thinking of Lavosa, of what would have happened if they helped her too, She thought of Lavosa being a speedster... she thought of Barry. She just wanted him to hold her, carry her, sleep with her, hug her, kiss her, repeat, repeat, repeat. She now knew she was deeply in love with Barry. 

as Caitlin walked into her apartment she immediately called Barry.

"Hey Barry,  can you come?i changed my mind. I feel alone and I need someone to"

"I'll be there in a second"

When he opened the door to Caitlin's apartment he saw her on the sofa with some chips.


"Barry, I feel so weird, I don't know this feeling, but I'm fine I just need someone to be with me"

"come here cait," he says softly, leading her to a hug.

he continues

"what do you want to do my love"

"I just want to cuddle"


They spent the rest of the night with each other just cuddling.


sorry for a very late post. I've been on vacation, in 10 different countries for many weeks and school has just started. but I'm gonna try my best to write as much as I can :)

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