(16) regrets

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Caitlin woke up next to Barry. He is still sleeping. It's early in the morning and Caitlin can hear the rain outside. She feels the smell of vanilla. It's Barry of course. She can't really see anything because the lights are turned off. She slowly walks out of the bedroom to take her morning shower. 

It has passed 10 minutes til she hears a knock on the bathroom door. 

Barry walks in.

"Good morning my love, do you mind if I join you?" he said in his morning voice. He looks tired.

"I'm almost done, but come on in" She answers softly. 

He slowly takes off his clothes and Walks into the shower to feel a new good smell.

"it smells so good" he just had to comment. 

"it's my new shampoo. I really like it. thanks"

"you look so damn hot showering Caitlin," he says as his eyes are glittery and they look up and down on her body. 

She tries to not make it so obvious that she loved that comment. She tries not to get too attached this time. They don't have to do it that often. and she has to be able to control it, cuz she can't. he is too hot. But this time, even though they are showering together, she promises herself not to fafuck him right now and wait til tonight. 


she thought.

it stood right up and she couldn't resist.

an hour later

They are eating French toast and watching the news. 

"this morning started off really great," Barry says smiling.

"I don't know why but I can't resist you. it's so difficult for me Barry" she says laughing. 

He leans in to kiss her. it gets more intense but Caitlin stops him

"Are we really going to do this again?" she says staring at his lips and laughing a little. 

"I love you so much Caitlin and you're so attractive I feel like doing it every time I see you. I'm sorry I can't keep my mind off you"

"you're trying to make me wet huh?"

"I know you already are," He says back

At first, she is just smiling at him.  Then she sees his lips and. And there is something with them that makes them so, so incredible. 

Caitlin had just gotten dressed. barry only has his towel though. 

But she doesn't care. She can do whatever she wants. nobody's perfect. 


She takes off her skirt and her underwear, but somebody interrupts them

(knock knock)

"let's just ignore it," Barry says and they finish what they started.

3 hours later, at jitters

Caitlin is home and Barry is out for a coffee but who does he meet at Jitters? Iris.


"Barry, what the fuck is wrong with you. I have tried to reach you for days! why won't you answer"

"Iris we broke up, I thought we might need some time away from each other"

"Yes, I did too. I came to you and Caitlin earlier this morning knocking and banging on your door why won't you open, its important Barry" Iris screams making tears flood down her cheeks.

"What happened Iris?"

she's crying.


"Barry, the day you left me I lost everything. Later that day I got a call from Cecile..." she snores

"Barry, my dad, OUR dad, he passed" she explains

"What are you talking about Iris" Barry says stressed out trying to sound calm like he doesn't believe it...

"Someone killed him. he got shot in the chest and he lived at first with life-threatening injuries, he died this morning. I called you because I know he is like a father to  Barry and I knew you would want to talk to him, and say goodbye, I came home to you and Caitlin broken in all kinds of ways to tell you our father just passed since you wouldn't answer when I called you. and all I hear is moans, so fuck you, Barry. Dad said he wanted to talk to you when he woke up at the hospital, you don't deserve him"

It gets quiet. Barry is in shock mode, he doesn't cry. he is just empty. Iris is Crying hard. He just let her lean into his chest to cry out.

"what do I do know Barry, when I've lost everything I've ever had" she mumbles. 

"I can't believe that he's gone," he says still empty. Bary breaks their hug

"Sorry Iris i really got to go"

"Really Barry?! What the fuck is wrong with you, why don't you have any emotions? you're heartless!"

He runs home to Caitlin. 

"Hey hun, did you get your coffee" Caitlin says as she sees him.

He smiles at her but doesn't say anything. He sits down on the sofa and Caitlin follows him confused.

"Barry? Are you okay Barry?"

"I'm fine they just. They. They didn't have my favorite coffee"

"oh, I see. well no Barry I can tell you're sad, what happened you were happy 10 minutes ago"

"i Love you Caitlin it just really upset me that they didn't have my fave coffee"

She hugs him

"you know Barry, I'm here for you, I won't judge you if you cry. I want to be here for you, I can tell that something upset you and I want you to know that you can tell me anything, I will listen and I wouldn't mind if you cried, Barry. Men also cry. and for all the times you helped me, I think you deserve to vent too"

as she finishes her sentence he puts his head on her shoulder and cries loudly. 

"oh fuck Caitlin, I screw up. You are so good at this I love you I love you I love you. please never let me go I can't do this without you. when we were hooking up this morning Joe died. I met Iris on Jitters who had spam-called me days before so that I could say goodbye, she was the one knocking earlier. I didn't get to say goodbye Caitlin"

"oh Barry, come here" she leans him into a hug. 

"Barry lay down I'll be right back"
She walks to their bedroom and gets the warm blankets and 2 pillows. She now goes to the kitchen and takes out some ice cream. She comes back to Barry with all that she has.

"Barry I love you too. now we're going to sit here eating ice cream in warm blankets while venting to each other if you as long as you don't prefer watching a movie"

she sits beside Barry and hands him a blanket + a pillow (and ice cream< of course).

"I'm sorry Caitlin your amazing. I'm sorry for what happened to Lavosa and..."

"It's okay Barry, you couldn't know she was my granddaughter"

"What if you won't ever meet again"

"we will, when we're supposed to in the future," she says with a smile feeding him with icecream.

" i fucking love you Caitlin" 


okay its been really long time but much have happened. i got really sick and almost died (i have a heart condition) and I've been recovering and i just got back to school and i have a lot to do. sorry for the long wait.

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