it's getting real (06)

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next day.

barry had been sleeping on the sofa. he knew he had hurt iris deeply. he didn't have the same feelings left for her anymore, he fell in love with Caitlin. which was unexpected for him. barry walked into the bedroom where iris was sitting on the bed. he sat down next to her. she had barely spoken to him after yesterday. "hey iris, we should talk about what I said to Caitlin yesterday" barry said in a low tone. "what's going to happen now barry" Iris said with a rather angry tone. you could see a few tears escaping from her eyes. "iris I think.. that I like Caitlin and lately it feels like we've just been friends it's like I've lost the spark between us and I want to give Caitlin a chance because I think it would work, the last thing I want to do is hurt you iris and I know I do right now but I think it's best for both of us if we.. divorce" barry tried to explain.  this time iris started to cry loudly. "barry, I didn't only lose my husband today, I lost my best friend, brother and also Nora and Bart, barry! I lost them too! I lost a near friend Caitlin, she betrayed me and I can't believe you did that too" iris said crying. "I have to go to work now," iris said and stormed out of their apartment. barry didn't want to hurt iris. he would want them to be sister and brother again like they were before. barry had to go to star labs again, he wondered how it would be between him and Cait, is she angry, or was she happy? hard to know. barry ran to star labs, as he thought. Caitlin was already sitting in her chair with coffee. she wore a really beautiful top in a light pink color and a white tight skirt. when she saw barry she ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry for yesterday, did I affect your and iris's relationship?" she screamed out as she hugged him. she smelled like a cake. "Caitlin, it's okay I don't regret anything I did yesterday" barry tried to explain, but they were still hugging. Caitlin pulled out of the hug. "barry I mean it I am so so-" she couldn't finish. barry pulled her in for a kiss and of course, she kissed him back. they both were quiet but they were smiling at each other. "does this mean" Caitlin started. barry understood what she meant so he nodded. both went to their desks and they couldn't stop staring at each other with a smile. barry felt alive again. for the moment there wasn't even any meta-human that he had to deal with. it was just his life getting better. Caitlin's phone rang and broke their eye contact, it was cisco "Caitlin, I think it would be smart of you open the doors so I can come inside" cisco joked. "haha, wait just a sec". the doors opened and cisco walked into the cortex. he smiled. he had missed this so much. he had missed team flash so much. without any words, he walked up to both Caitlin and barry and gave them a hug. Caitlin felt so bad for what she did to iris and she couldn't get that out of her mind. she had to apologize. "hey cisco, I'm so happy that your back but I just have to go for an hour" Caitlin said as she ran out of the cortex. she was going to iris, at her office. barry and cisco stood in the middle of the cortex and were kind of confused. "but barry, now you have to tell me everything that happened when I was gone, and where is everyone else" cisco said excitedly. barry started to explain where everyone else was and the epic things that cisco missed. Caitlin was outside CCD and took a deep breath. she walked in and asked a random girl where iris west-Allens office was and the girl pointed out where the door to her office was. Caitlin knocked at the door and Iris opened it. when iris saw it was Caitlin she just closed the door, but Caitlin wouldn't give up that easily, caitlin kept knocking until iris had enough. iris opened the door and let Caitlin come inside. "what do you want Caitlin" iris asked, she didn't sound happy. Caitlin sat down on a chair next to Iris chair. " I wanted to apologize, I didn't want to hurt you and I tried to avoid my feelings for barry but I can't, and I hope you can forgive me one-day iris," Caitlin said. the look on Caitlin's face could tell she actually was sorry. "Caitlin I lost my future but it's not your fault you're in love with him but I still feel betrayed and we shouldn't talk for a while, not yet I'm not ready" iris pushed Caitlin out of the room but she had to listen to Iris. she just got heartbroken and Caitlin knew it was because of her so Caitlin drove back to star labs. 

in the cortex with barry and cisco, were cisco showing pictures and told barry everything about how cisco lived the past year. "hey barry I have to go to the bathroom, be right back!" by the time cisco went out from the cortex Caitlin came in. "where were you Cait" barry asked. "I had to fix something but I couldn't".  Caitlin sat down on a table instead of her chair. barry could tell she was bored by the look on her face so he followed her. he stood in front of her and stands between her legs and starts kissing her. the kiss started to get heated on, and barry was now over Caitlin on the table as they kissed. it was for about 30 seconds until from nowhere cisco walked in. "HEYY, WHAT'S GOING ON HERE, WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN" cisco screamed out with a smile. barry and Caitlin got interrupted and embarrassed. both of them got all red in the face. "barry isn't u married to iris" cisco asked. barry jumped off the table and explained that part to cisco who still couldn't believe that he saw Barry Allen and Caitlin snow kissing. they lost chemistry about 10 years ago and suddenly it's back. wow. caitlin jumped off the table and whispered in Barry's ear "I love you" barry gave her a hug "awhh I love you too"

"Okay guys u don't have to be like that at work at least," Cisco said in a jokey way


dear readers, I don't know when the next chapter will come but I want to wish y'all a happy new year!

also, I think it will be around 10-25 chapters, but I'm running out of ideas so pls comment and help me, lol

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