the white room (14)

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white, white, white. that's everything Caitlin can see.

"Where are we," Caitlin asks Lavosa, hoping for an answer.

"We are dying. I mean, we are in a space between life and death. I call it the white room. I need your help. I'm dying"

"yes, and now we both are?"

"no, you don't understand. I'm getting deleted out of existence, you are just here"

"okay? first, why would I trust you, and why would I help you, you were about to kill me"

"I need you to believe in me. I'm truly sorry for what I did, that wasn't me, that's the negative speed force taking control over me. here in what I call the white room,  the negative speed force can't reach me here anymore so I'm more of myself here" Lavosa explained with teary eyes.

"do you even know what you have done"

"yes. I wish I didn't remember, look..."

Lavosa's flashback: 2056

"Grandma who is she? She looks just like you" Lavosa asks pointing at a picture in her grandma's house.

"That's my twin sister, her name is Frost, she is a hero, she saved the world once" Lavosas grandma answered.

"But grandma, she looks much younger than you"

"Haha...yes I know, she is still 34 years old... she didn't survive"

"Did she have powers like real superheroes"

"She is a real superhero, and yes she had powers, the best with having Frost as a sister was that I never had to be alone. she would always be with me, whenever I needed her, and she saved my life many times, with help from her cold cells, she isn't as easy to harm"

"I wish I had my own frost, so I don't have to be alone all the time. all the kids in my school will always bully me. they think I'm a weirdo. if I had a sister like Frost I would never have to be alone"

 6-year-old Lavosa said with teary eyes

end flashback

"Is this your story?" Caitlin asked

"yes, and look, I traveled back in time as a 14-year-old girl to meet my biggest idol, frost, but when I got here I had lost my speed. I couldn't get back in time and I lived my life here since that. I have no idea how I lost my speed but later when I was 17 I started to hallucinate and see my biggest dreams come true. then this thing that looked like a diamond said I could get my speed back and they could make my dream life come true if I accepted their powers... so I did and..."

"wait, hold on a second, am I your grandmother, frost is my sister...?"


"And you were gonna kill me"

"After I accepted their power they told me I had to kill the Flash and everybody he cares about. I still wanted to create my own killer frost to get the life I wanted. so I needed your DNA and I used technology from the year 2058 to build a machine..."

"and u failed...?"

"yes. what I did was unnatural and I was just a child who wanted to have a friend. they said the timeline wouldn't change even if I killed you because they can make sure I'm still in life. and that's why I'm not dead yet"

"I get it, but why didn't you just use your DNA to create your own frost"

"Frost's DNA is different from ours, since she was made in a lab and not in a natural way, and your blood was the closest I could get, and I had already tried with my own"

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