✧8. The First Day✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Jimin's breath is fanning Jungkook's neck and the younger's spine tingles. He clutches onto Jimin's shirt shutting his eyes tightly while gulping his saliva.

Jimin smirks seeing how much effect he has on the younger without even touching him. He leans in more as his lips touch the younger's nape.

Jungkook tightens his clutches on Jimin's shirt as soon as he feels the elder's lips on his neck. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't even push him away as he is weak to the elder.

This is his first time experiencing something like this. This is the first time a man is standing so closer to him and making his heartbeat raise to the point that he feels that his heart will jump out of his chest at any moment.

His stomach churns as heat raises inside his body. Jimin kisses the younger's nape shocking him to the core and then before he could think of retaliating the elder bites him hard.

"Nnhgg!" Jungkook moans feeling the sharp teeth digging into his skin.

Jimin smirks like a devil and backs off as if he did nothing. The younger opens his eyes which are glossy due to the stinging pain he felt just a second before.

Jungkook holds his neck which is hurting due to the bite, he looks at the elder too stunned to speak because just now he let out an inappropriate sound without him knowing. He is embarrassed hearing himself like that.

The elder then steps forward and whispers in his ear, "Moaning like a slut, aren't you?"

Jungkook's heart feels the pricking pain hearing that. He is about to refute the elder but he is not given a chance to speak.

"What did you say? You will work hard and prove yourself to me *laughs* you did prove yourself that you don't have any restraint and that you are just an attention-seeking slut pretending to be pure and innocent," Jimin's every word sent knives into the younger's heart digging his wound deep open.

Tears flow to his cheeks, and his nose and cheeks become bright red. He doesn't speak anything cause he never even in his dreams thought that his idol, his love of life, his comfort zone, his happiness, his everything will think of him like that and insult him.

He felt like all the happiness he built along with Jimin in his thoughts all these years is crumbling down. He gets mad as the angry tears roll down his cheeks.

Jimin remains stunned seeing the younger's tears. He didn't know he is weak to them. He reaches out his hand to wipe off those tears but the younger backs off.

He harshly wipes them off, "Sejin Hyung said that the photo shoot is in 30 mins and we have to hurry."

Jungkook after informing immediately tries to unlock the door but it doesn't open. Jimin gets back to his senses and holds the younger's hand that is trying to unlock.

The younger flinches and turns his head slightly looking directly into the elder's eyes, "Where do you think, you're going when I am talking to you, huh?"

"I don't want to hear it," Jungkook replies as he is mad now.

"Why? I didn't say anything wrong, did I? Saesangs like you see us as your pleasure toys and thirst for us just like whores," Jimin's words are like venom.

"H-Hyung *hic* I am not a saesang, nor do I think of you like that. I don't know *hic* why you hate me this much *hic* when we just met but I am just trying to do my job *hic* so that I can earn money for my family *hic* is loving you as a fan my sin? Tell me," Jungkook tears up.

Jimin backs off hearing it and not getting any answer from him, Jungkook opens the door and runs to his room. He closes the door and slides down the wall crying.

"Your Eyes Tell" ☃A Jikook Angst☃Where stories live. Discover now