♡ Chapter 2 ♡

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On their way, Jungkook knows that Taehyung didn't even sleep a wink but here he was, pretending like how heavily he slept that he almost lost the track of time. 

He spots Taehyung was looking at the cotton candy but didn't ask Jungkook to stop the car. 

Eventually, Jungkook understands and he stops the car a little further. 

"Do you want cotton candy?" Jungkook asks. 

"I... I was thinking to give it to.... Byul... She'll love it..."

"If you were thinking, you should speak that out!" Jungkook was annoyed but he never showed. And the next moment, he felt like a culprit to feel annoyed at his behaviour. No one can remain in sane mind after everything the elder has faced in the past. 



"Uh... ahm... y-you should be sorry." Taehyung says. Again that line.

"Alright!" Jungkook chuckles. "Let's get-" Jungkook was about to get down when Taehyung stops him saying, "I... I want to buy it for her.... by myself..."

"Alright!" Jungkook encourages. 

Taehyung gets down. He goes near the seller, Jungkook keeps watching him with heart in his eyes. Oh how he misses the old Taehyung who used to guide him how to explore different places in the town on his own. He never used to care if it was dark or early dawn, he just wanted to make the younger to see all the places of his (Taehyung's) beautiful village. That's how he was. He was so confident, so cheerful, so positive, that Jungkook still wonders how things turned out like this. His precious Hyung, his first love, is now struggling with day to day interactions. He has became the whole opposite of a confident and cheerful boy that the whole village once knew. Jungkook wants his old hyung back. 

"How much do you need? Please say?" The seller's loud voice brought Jungkook back in reality. He wipes his damp eyes hurriedly. He saw how Taehyung flinched at the voice of the seller who just yelled at him.

Jungkook can just get out and destroy the seller in a moment but he wants Taehyung to deal this on his own, as instructed by Seokjin. So he's waiting. 

"O-one.... Pl-plea-" Taehyung mumbles. The seller probably had hearing issues so he couldn't hear the low murmurs of Taehyung. 

"What? One?" He asks louder gesturing his forefinger as 'one'. 

Taehyung gulps when the kids around him laughs at him. He nods hurriedly and pays the seller without asking for the amount. And takes the cotton candy with him. 

"Wow, Tae! You did good!" Jungkook hypes him when he sits back calming down his racing heart. He feels happy about the compliment. He smiles widely. 

"Here, your change money." The old seller says knocking at the window, making Taehyung flinch. Taehyung looks at Jungkook to decide on what he should do.

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