♡ Chapter 8 ♡

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"Wh-what are y-you talking about?" Taehyung mumbles. His eyes wide than before and he looks like a thief caught during the day.

"Drugs. You crave for them, don't you?" Jimin asks. Taehyung's breath hitches. 

"Taehyung, I've told you many times that this is normal in your case! You could have talked this out with Jungkook that you didn't." Jimin sighs. Taehyung has been craving drugs since his past has consisted of a large portion of that thing. And Jimin knows that Jungkook will understand if this is revealed to him. 

But Taehyung fears that Jungkook might think that he still loves John and not him. Taehyung fears that Jungkook will have to suffer even more. 

Seokjin, of course, is aware of these cravings of Taehyung. And as per Taehyung's request he didn't tell anything to Jungkook. Taehyung has assured him that he'll tell the younger about it by himself. 

To ease things, Seokjin has given him medicines but it's mostly Taehyung's own will power and Jungkook's love that has kept him away from the drugs until now. 

When encountered by Jimin, Seokjin told him everything including the fact that if the drug addict himself is willing to leave drugs, it is possible only because of his own will power. Seokjin also said that if he wants Jungkook to remain unaware then let it be. Cause if Jungkook comes to know about it from any other way, then it might effect on Taehyung's will power to remain this strong in front of his addiction. 

Jungkook is not stupid though. He knows that Taehyung might experience the episodes of leaving drugs. And he has asked for the advice of Seokjin to which he had been enlightened by the episodes of mood swings, vomiting, restlessness and things like that. 

In other words, Taehyung and Jungkook both know about Taehyung's addiction and it's complications, but no one has talked about it. Taehyung didn't because he thinks Jungkook might hate him. And Jungkook because he thinks Taehyung will be triggered and will start being more underconfident.

"I.... I can't stop these cravings anymore, Jimin. Not with Jungkook and Byul at least." Taehyung sobs. "I want to be my family's strength. Please. Please help me." His voice breaks. 

Jimin didn't think of anything else and embraces his best friend who was crying hysterically on his helplessness. 

"Alright. I'm with you. I got you." Jimin whispers. "But promise me you'll fight with everything inside you. You will come back to your family. Please promise me." Jimin sobs as well. 

Taehyung breaks down even more.


"O my God, Jungkook!" Seokjin gasps when he felt the younger's skin burning up. 

Jungkook wakes up at the voice. His sleepy eyes turns worried when he couldn't find both Taehyung and Byul. And then he finally finds Seokjin. He sits up.

"Hyung, how's Tae? Where is he? Did you check on him?" Jungkook asks while straightening his back. 

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